A Job for the Summer

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Kanae's pov

"Ahhh 12 hours of beautiful sleep good morning universe" I smiled opening my windows and going to the kitchen seeing the goons that were sent over yesterday and stayed over are finally being taken back.

"Hey your shit taste terrible, and you better cook better next time" They threatened Hiroe-san while...crying?

"Mhmm of course, of course~ Kanae-chan will be here so you'll get all the good food you want~"

"I swear if you forget about us we'll fucking stab your eyes out" another brought out a knife pointing it at his eye

"Yes yes~ I won't~ I promise" he said with a closed eye smile waving them off.

"You sure have your ways dealing with those beasts" I went to the fridge to get some yogurt and some strawberries and blueberries.

"Well I've dealt with you ever since your child this is nothing." he smiled while pouring some tea and getting a jar of biscuits.

"Oh when are you going back to work again?"

"Tommorow the person who took my place seemed overwhelmed in just a few days" he sighed dipping the biscuits in the tea and ate it.

"Ohhh can I go with?? I'm bored heree and there are upperclassmen hunting me" I whined mixing in the berries into the yogurt.

"It's hard to believe that you are in that situation... well then why not find jobs with people that provide good protection?" He pointed out making me arch an eyebrow.

"My track record of making adults cry says otherwise" I laughed gobbling down my food before hearing a sharp ding wait I don't remember cooking anything or having a mobile device...

"Alright then, the flyer is up and ready, now let's bet on this. " He grinned showing me his phone and dear lord he basically sent all his contact friends a description of how I'am.

"If I can get you to actually like whoever it is you'll work with you go work and if I don't I'll try take the day off for the morrow"

"Everything you just say seems to only benefit you"

"Yes exactly so deal?" He asked taking his hand out what's the harm I know more than half of the restaurants here hate me anyway.

"Sure why not" I laughed shaking his hand and throw bag of pop corn putting it in the microwave.

"Oh and don't worry I made sure to narrow it down to 5 people, prepared to provide with protection, and won't mind seeing their chefs cry. So we'll get to see a few fights" he chuckled I grabbed a bottle of champagne and glasses while seeing him watch his phone go off, he sure is sinister now I know why I'm somewhat like this.

"Well then let's go to the roof they should be here soon"

"Is the scent of cars getting stronger?"

"Yep" I laughed  throwing the bag of pop corn to him and opening the stairs to the top to the roof.

Arriving there we sat in flip chairs we had on the roof I opened a bottle pouring some for me and him as we saw cars started coming to the house, oowwhhh it's been a while since I saw a battle that doesn't consist of food.

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