Ecounter with chef Pinkie part 2

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Kanae's pov

I ignored the look of deep hatred in his eyes and set aside his dish.

"Go on Tadokoro," Sōma nudged her forward ahhhhhhh fuck she haven't even presented it and she's already shaken to the bone.

"Y-Yes!" she carefully placed a plate in-front of us, and well the taste is just as I expected. Homey


"This is..." 

"It is a Rainbow Terrine featuring seven vegetables," Megumi announced standing before the table, back straight and proud. 

"Hmm...Seven patés, each of a different color. They've truly created a rainbow with each stripe" Chef Sekimori hummed looking at the terrine.

"Wait, now that you mention it, didn't Shinomiya assign a terrine in his lesson? and Kanae-san...why do you have a murderous smile" everyone then stared at me oh I guess that's what my generosity looks to people.

"No reason" I shrugged before hearing the most smuggest scoff from a pink pony as I glared firetrucks to his di-

"Oh? How interesting, You're trying to find fault in my recette for the Terrine of 9 Vegetables?" he asked crossing his arms making her flinch.

"N-No! N-Not at all!! I-I just wanted people to see my own recette, so..."She trailed off being all baffled flailing her arms in the air.

"Well, let's calm down and see how it turned out first," Chef Donato chimed in trying to calm the panicking cinnamon bun.

"Ahhh so tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, shiitake , mushrooms, cabbage ,sudachi ,perilla ,basil ,walnuts ,pine nuts, parsley?" I chimmed before taking another whiff cringing a bit but I made sure I didn't show.

Ehh well there are loads of mistakes and mishaps in this dish, over heated the dish by few seconds and the center somehow tasting cold around 0.7°, some of the tomatoes were a day or two old, with how it's plated and the texture and well as much as I hate to admit it. Shinomiya's was better. The plating itself was quite messy and the sauce didn't had enough acidity


" 'ITS EDIBLE' 'NICE'??? SURELY YOU HAVE MORE JUDGEMENT THAN THAT?!?" Shinomiya yelled pulling my collar making me flail around pushing his face away

"MY KIND JUDGEMENT OBVIOUSLY" I shooed him away. Without any more comments, fighting, and cussing, the judges dug in while Megumi clasped her hands together in prayer, hoping beyond hope that they would like her dish. 




"They made patés from potatoes, carrots, zucchinis, and other vegetables" angry chef praised the duo.

"I'm impressed that they managed to pull off something so labor intensive in such a short amount of time." He continued as they all stared at Soma wait should I do the same...

"She even thought to include two types of sauces. One is a sweet and sour sudachi gelée, while the other is an astringent herb paste made from various herb pastes with perilla as the main," French Blondie commented.

"Pairing a terrine with these sauces, now that's innovative!"

"Tadokoro-kun, you used dried tomatoes for this right?" V brows asked curious for her reason why. 

She explained how in her hometown they would often dry the vegetables they harvested during the summer in the sun for the winter month and went on to tell them how her mother was the one to teach her how to dry vegetables in the oven. 

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