New friend, New rivals

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Kanae's pov ~

"Well that was disappointing " I pouring myself some sake while Yukihira was just looking in the sky dumbfounded.

"Yeah...wonder what I should do now..."

"While you do that I'll imagine infinite ways for my guardian murder me then throwing evidence to the pacific ocean" we both took a long sigh before a giant shadow loomed over us.

There was suddenly this giant old guy with long hair ca-ahhhh Grandpa Nakiri well good thing I brought two glasses because Yukihira continued to lay on the grass still being dead and I need a drinking buddy because I'm quite sad

"Yo Nakiri Ojii-san, have a glass with m-ehh?" He took the whole bottle away from me and drank it before furiously letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Why are you two here? You should be in the entrance ceremony, Yukihira Souma, Jabami Kanae" he said handing us acceptance papers.


~3rd person pov~

"We will proceed to present the award for the best in the year. Representative of the first year; Nakiri Erina." A blond-pink head said

"Ah, Erina-Sama looks beautiful today...Beautiful and top student, a perfect super human!" A guy in fawned over her while hugging himself.

"It's seemed that she's gotten first in every entrance exams by far. I could die happy if I had a date with her..." He continued as his friend shushed him from saying any more stupid crap

"Idiot! If you say something that wreck-less here, you'll be expelled! She the granddaughter of the Don of the food Mafia!" 

When the speech was done and a terrifying buffy, long haired and beared, santa claus came up glaring at the new students like they were bugs. Whispers irrupted talking about the man that's literally infront of them .

"It's Nakiri Senzaemon, the academy's director!" 


"Totsuki Academy...He consequently leads Japan's cooking industry..." 

"He is gourmet food's incarnation!" 

"He isn't just a mafia food don!"  "He's the Demon King!" 

"Food's Demon King!"  Nakiri Senzaemon jolted his eyes open now stealing the souls of every student with a single glare.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Congratulations on entering the high school division In your three years of attending the middle school section, you have obtained the basic skill set in cooking, and have deepened your knowledge on food preparation and its ingredients. In addition to the cooking practium, you attended classroom lectures on a variety of topics, including culinary theory, nutrition, public health, introductory agronomics, and management. Now you're finally standing at the entrance to the high school division. The challenges you'll now face are not about your skills or knowledge, but whether you have the wherewithal to survive as a food professional. Ninety-Nine percent of you..." He paused to intensify his glare-y-ness

"Are meant to be as sacrifices for honing."  He pointing to random spot scaring everyone that happens to be in that spot

"Of the 812 students who entered our high school division last year, only 76 advanced to the second year!" All students then look shooketh with a dose of what the fuck did I get myself into. 

"Incompetence and mediocrity will be mercilessly excised from our student body. A thousand first-years will be whittled down to a hundred by next year, and we can count those who'll advance to graduation on one hand. Aspire to become one of the small handful of those professionals! It should be you!Hone yourself! That is all." He walked off the stage, and immediately everyone started chatting to each other.

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