Mr Number 1's cooking

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Kanae's pov

I jerked parts of my body signaling them to wake up...and immensely failing I slowly and groggily got up from my bed swinging my feet to the side...who am I stepping on.

"Oiii idiot someone's fucking sleeping!" I heard a growl as my foot got grabbed and I was thrown down oh it was much did I drink to get this hungovered.

I rolled to my cabinet shelves digging around to find my hungover remedy taking out some dry ginger and honey before getting up, I tore the ginger with my hands chopping it a bit before putting it in a cup with the honey and pouring warm water...oh god this hits the spot.

"Yo you have your final shokugeki today!" I yawn yelled stomping on his head his hand reached out and I gave him the ginger honey remedy.

"If I lose I'm blaiming you" he groaned getting up finishing my drink and burped.

"Not my fault you have weak tolerance for alcohol, get out there and...yeah just get out" I grabbed my cup from him and shooed him outside my room before landing back on my bed.

"Today's morning seems peacefull" I sighed out loud before hearing shuffling and toilet flushing from my bathroom and oh out comes Eishi...why is he in my bathroom...and in my room.

"U-u-uhh I'm so so sorry!! I-I didn't ask for your permission I didn't see anything I swear!!" He crossed his heart I ignored his existence and hugged my pillow.

"Like I said before you can expel me if you like, I'm going back to sleep" I waved him off.

He sighed for a moment before walking over to somewhere, I suddenly smelled smoke of the dried cinnamon, rosemary, and lavender in the air along with food and tea. Do I have a personal butler now?

"I heard about you two's adventures from Aka-san" he said giving me chamomile tea with honey and an english styled breakfast this seems awfully kind... I sniffed the plate, tray, the scented candles-

"Don't worry, I'm not the type to sabotage my competitors" he chuckled good enough for me I guess. I started to eat as he went over my stuff in my closet, shelves and basically everything.

"Oh I almost forgot, the score of what you and Rindo had! It was 2 to 3, in the end you winning though it wasn't all to fair isn't it? Being blindfolded?" He asked tilting his head back I shrugged at his statement.

"I don't mind really since people just love experimenting me as if I were a lab rat" I rolled my eyes as I heard him just rumaging through my things.

While eating I can conclude that he was confused seeing the notes and studies I had and all the preserved dried herbs I have, ahhaha mortals and their small heads only trying to understand my doctor like handwriting.

"What're these recipes? I've never even seen before" he asks as I finished my breakfast and poured me some tea.

"Ahh well we travel a lot and I got a lot of spare time so I at times I would experiment a bit. But well most are also recipes I like" I smiled ahh the nostalgia I sipped the warm tea as he put back the books and turned to me arms crossed.

"You mean to tell me you've never even once learned from anyone but yourself?" He asked arching an eyebrow, I put my cup down to refill and shrug.

"Well I can't really say that because well the only way to learn for me is to eat and of course I'm sure things I've made have once been created, but I mean you know I just create more new dishes from them." I took another sip and the air turned semi tense...but I didn't care this tea is really nice.

"I have a proposition for you" he said I arched an eyebrow and got up from my bed and rearranging everything he ruined.

"Before you continue, I have a job, I don't want to be your assistant, I'm not lending you anything-"

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