More, More, MORE, FOOD

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Kanae's pov

"Heh?...what do you mean camp...?" I asked dumbfounded with my messy hair still present as my dorm mates surround my room.

"Well not really a camp more of a second exam but out doors" Shun explained.

"Come on it'll be fun!! We get to go outdoors and even meet some of the old alumnis!!" Yuki grinned jumping on my bed. I groaned pulling my sheets up blocking them out only to have water poured over.

I rolled out of my soggy bed and looked around ahhhh my favorite friends, Daigo and Shoji,they froze in place as the atmosphere of the place turned heavy. I cracked my knuckles and reached for a nearby 1500 page book on my bed stand.

"DAIGO SHOJI DUCK!!" Ryoko screeched as they both ducked and the book flew over them and hit Zenji knocking him unconscious.

"Nee nee are y-WHO GAVE HER A KNIFE?!" i heard Isshiki-senpai yell out of horror.


—————an hour later—————

Ahhh tea soothes my soul from taking others'. They all looked at me while hiding behind Fumio-san

"Feeling better Kanae-chan?" She asked me with a warm smile as I stretched and nodded putting down the cup and drinking the rest straight from the kettle.

"See? She's just thirsty, you kids are being over dramatic. Oh right! Bus should be here anytime soon, I suggest you brats start packing" she scoffed walking off and pushing me.

Before walking to my room I signed 'you are all lucky to be alive' to them before. After so I grabbed a backpack and filled it with basic necessities like clothes and some weapons just in case. We starting going outside me with Ryoko and Yuki walking next to me.

"Kanae-chan why do you only bring a backpack? What's in it?" Ryoko asked me as I tilted my head.

"Some clothes, uh books, spices, and knives why?" The both of them arched an eyebrow.

"You sure live in simplicity..." the both muttered as we went in the bus leaving the dorm.


Soon as we arrived this camp is basically Totsuki but slightly smaller we all had to be in this one room and I need to be squished and pushed around repeatedly by tons of people lord please save my pitiful soul and seems when they say camp they in a fucking hotel where a night is 100.000 yen hahahaha how fun.

We went to the the front desk and received our room keys before going to the assembly room as the crowd swallows me in their disgusting sweat and stentch.

My arm was pulled to a more not crowded place by Shun as a tanned girl with blonde hair came along and what made her stand out are her giant assets that were literally standing out. She was just wearing visible bra with the American flag on it and a white shirt paired with the schools' short skirt.

Aha I wish I have those curves...I feel like a 7 year old boy with how I look

"Ah! It's Nikumi!" Sōma suddenly exclaimed ignoring the tension in the room the name made her blush beet red aha romance?


"It's been a while huh Nikumi?" 

"Oi oi Yukihira-kun! Why are you calling her that?" Ryoko scolded him in big sister like manner.

"Shun are they dating?" I whispered to him as he shook his head 'no'

"They just had a Shokugeki a day ago, he won and she's been like this since. She's weird if you ask me, what's so good about him." He whisper mumbled wow he sure has one hell of a dark mind.

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