Blind Cooking

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Kanae's pov

I'm now stuck with them while watching my emotionally unstable childhood friend going against a tiny demon rabbit. They're just glaring daggers at me and the elites at the corner waving at me isn't helping alot.

"Now you will explain what's happening yes?" Yukihira asked arching an eyebrow I reluctantly nodded.

"Maybe depends if I can answer that is" I laughed not making the tension die down at all.

"Is something going on Kanae-chi? Why're you hanging out with them??"

"Don't they hate you?? Are you in debt with them can we help???" They bombed me with alot of questions it's sweet they care.

"To be blunt, long story short they love me so much they want to have a shokugeki with me betting my stay!!" I grinned making them gape as Ryoko grabbed my shoulders shaking me side to side.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!?" Ahh big sister mode is on along with Yuki who was slapping my face and the guys silently dying.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SMILING?!" Zenji yelled at me they're all having the attention of students sitting around us.

"Because isn't it fun? Aside from the constant kidnapping it's nice to have some people around my age who's seen as someone on a god like level lose" I shrugged they all just stood quiet and sweat dropped with my answer.

"Why are you the way that you are..."


I looked back seeing the competition seeing how Megumi lost to Kuro-chan huh guess shrimps won over scallops we came down after her seeing her traumatized face Yuki hugged her she bowed down in apology for me a few times saying sorry on how she failed though couldn't care less, he seemed like he had fun cooking with her.

They went off without me and I skipped over to the middle of the shokugeki table and stole a bowl well I have to admit she has grown well in terms of cooking. Using veggies to inhance umami was a good choice for her.

"Jabami Kanae?" A familiar cinnamon scented human came my eyes finally realized the tanned albino haired cinnamon stick smelling boy.

"Ahhh cinnamon-chan thanks for helping me out when I passed out!" I grin walking towards him making him grit his teeth.

"It's Akira, never call me that ever again" he said monotonously I rolled my eyes and finished the soup putting the bowl down.

"So anything you want to say? I thought you'd be practicing for the festival" I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Let's talk about this outside" My eyes widened for a quick second and followed him outside maybe I should've brought that bowl with me just in case I need to knock him out.

"I want a s-"

"No, fuck no, bye bye, I'm going home" I completely ignored him and walked off while hearing his screams.


"Ahh if you must know I have alot on my plate here"

"I doubt that from what I heard you barely even have shokugekis with students the only acception was those 40 or so students!!"  He said in his best impression of a rapper

"Still no" I pushed him by his face away and waited infront of the gates for my ride.

"You had one with that Kurokiba Ryo!"

"I owed him a shokugeki"

"Well don't you owe me as well?" I turned to him arching an eyebrow.

"I helped you when you fainted in exhaustion to the health center so you owe me in a way" I let out an exaggerated sigh and turned to him.

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