The end of the Storm

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Kanae's pov

I'm dying...

"HER FACE IS BLUE IT'S BLUE!!" Zenji yelled as they all got off and I was gasping for air almost forgotting how Isshiki is all tied up and crying in the corner.

"I'm guessing Isshiki senpai told you all everything...?"

"AND YOU TOLD US NOTHING!!!" Yuki whined  well thanks I feel semi guilty now I huffed and went over to him to untie him.

"Wooowww you're all like so handsome and beautiful " I said ignoring my responsibilities,


"And by the way we weren't told why your still here!! So so you better explain" Megumi said wow braver now ain't she but wait wait WAIT they're serious?

"Isshiki senpai I thought you atleast told them that part?" I crouched down to his crying form untying him and wripping the duct tape from his mouth, "I was traumatized!!" He whimpered as I pat his head.

"So how ARE you still here?" Yukihira asked, "it's simple I haven't fulfilled my goal yet, which is to take on the best and well I haven't" I shrugged they all fell silent before crawling to me like insects making sure I'm not having a fever.

"OI I ON NE HIS (I don't need this)" I yelled getting the popsicle stick off my mouth and pushing everyone away.

"So in other words he isn't the best??" Shun asked, "yeah...if you've been kidnapped and stalked few times by him you'd understand" I huffed before feeling and hand on my head.

"Well we don't understand how or why you think that but we're glad your ok" Yukihira smiled as Ryoko rummaged through my closet bringing out the sake....wait



~literally an hour later~

"That wasn't was gin with a sake label...and It was supposed to be a prank for the white knight...but I forgot to give it to him" I put coriander juice using the eyedropper in Ryoko's eyes making her hiss.

"Yukihira how're the rest" I looked back seeing him force the herbal porridge in Isshiki's mouth.

"Good!" He gave me a thumbs up as I stood up and coughed.

"Now when I say don't drink it you'll regret it BE LIKE THAT IDIOT OF A RED HEAD AND LISTEN TO ME!!!" I yelled grabbing him by his hair making everyone groan saying sorry I decided to make tea while waiting for them to sober up.

"Can I join you?" Yukihira asked sitting across from me well jee do I really have a choice...I actually do,"sure what the hell" I took a cup and poured the tea for him.

"So you were serious about him not being the best hm?"

"I wouldn't be here it if it weren't true~" I sang drinking as he chuckled.

"Well that sounds like you I guess, saying the best isn't the best well are you gonna tell us who it i-"

"KANAE-KYA!" The doors burst opened revealing Erina who tripped over a sleeping Megumi huh out of everyone I didn't expect it to be her that comes in my room.

"Kanae-san...?" She lifted her head up seeing well Yukihira and me drinking tea looking down at her with a smug look.

"Yoo! Long time no see!!" Yukihira waved at her while ahe was stammering with her words, "Nee Boss-san want some tea" I taunted making her growl getting up and grabbed my collar.

"What did you do?" Ahh right she wasn't there to judge probably busy I get it I get it.

"I won well I guess, so tea?" I smiled making her eyes widen before her hands start to tremble as she slowly walked away from me.

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