Stress cooking

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Kanae's pov

"Kaannaaeee" Is that Soma? Ok no no no not possible he came in my room this morning with two girls with him saying that he's gonna do a mission and that he was going to come back when-

"Kaaaaannnnnaaaaeeeee~" there's no way h-

"Oiii Kanaee wake up!!" ....there's no wa-


I groaned trying to find the source of death screaching and my hand found a phone somehow.

"Yukihira go awa-"

"Ahahaha So you are still asleep" He laughed making me sigh getting up a and using my arm to support my weight.

"I'm hanging up..."

"Nee what're some spices that go well with fried chicken I'm having a showdown back at 'Yukhira' you should come later" I sighed rubbing my temples and finally getting up from my bed with my eyes still really swollen well if he's in a competition I guess it's low budget...and he won't understand half of what I say...

"Uhh Thyme, rosemary, parsley, soy sauce, sage, marjoram, chilli powder, the list goes on do you want me to continue..." I asked yawning.

"Nope That's enough thankk you and also stop by"

"Sure...oh one more thing the oil along with the fat of the chicken you should probably have something to balance it out some vegetables I don't know like tomatoes? Lemon or chillie maybe"

"Alright got it, byyeee" he sang and hung up

Now that I think of it...I don't remember having a telephone in my room. My thoughts were disturbed when I heard rustling in the door and Isshiki-senpai head poking out while holding a stick.

"Soma said to give the phone to you with a stick so you won't hit me with a book" he grinned as I got up with my blankets still on me.

"He has learned well, so where's everybody else?"

"No one dared to wake you, come on there's still left overs from a shokugeki Joichiro-san and Soma-kun " he gestured me to follow him as I wrapped the blankets around me tighter.

So the two of them did have a fight huh that would explain me hearing screaming from the window before. We arrived at the kitchen and I saw a plate with some plastic wrapping over it with a note and pen beside the plate.

'Have some herbal soup! Dad made it to ease up your stomach. Eat up!!'

Ahaha oh my god he even drew a doodle of his face. I laughed before putting it in a the microwave and began to eat it.

"So....are you ok, you know with you jumping out the window and going home drunk?" He asked giving me this judgeful smile as I ate in silence avoiding his glare.

"I wasn't drunk and yes I'am fine, is there something wrong?"

"Kanae-chan I know you're good at cooking but going against the elite ten and proposing that challenge?" he looked at me worried as I arched an eyebrow slapping his back.

"What's funny is how you all took it so seriously" I shrugged and began eating it enjoying the realization of him.

"'re saying you were joking?"

"Obviously I was, I can't even be bothered to answer shokugekis unless they are top tiered ones. Not trying to brag but I don't want to waste my time on mediocrity" I sighed as he slowly slid his head down to the table.

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