One dish, One win, One punch

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Kanae's pov

I arrived at his place and as suspected he still has no girlfriend which I clearly am not surprised with but I'm currently having evil tea with the one the only assface while dabbing my wounds and scars with alcohol then covering them up surgical wrap.

"How did you get a 5 inch splinter on your arm, multiple glass pieces sticking from your leg, a dislocated shoulder, and scars the size of quarters. Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital??" He asked while having veins popping in his head as I snapped my shoulder back in place, god fuck you Kuro-chan.

You didn't need to dislocate my bones to prove a point

"Yes, if I die at least I'll never see you again" I pulled out a big glass chunk from my arm, and dabbed some alcohol on before wrapping it with surgical tape before bitting the end off.

"Alright so...are we just having tea...or is this a test..." OK GENIUS, CHUCKLING IS NOT AN ANSWER FOR ANYTHING IM ASKING.

"Kanae, if I recall your guardian picked you as a child did he not?" Ohhhhhhhhhh getting personal here aren't we.

"awe so you've become a fan even before I was famous how cute" I scoffed putting some alcohol on a cotton patch before sticking it on my neck.

"charming of you to think that, but would you like to know why or how you were there" he smirked I arched an eyebrow as I pulled put a shard from my foot.

"Well I guess my original parents were so retarded, that they forgot to pick up their child when visiting the orphanage. And here I am still waiting for the milk they say they were going to get" I shrugged and put alcohol on the surgical wrap and wrapped it around my foot.

"I'm your father, don't you ever wonder who put you in that school? How YOU have the intelligence?"....ok why is this happening why can't we just duel and get this over with I don't need this melodramatic scene.


"Are you done? This joke has gone stale"

"I'm not joking, I am your father."

"No, you're not"

"Whether you are willing to accept it or not that is the truth, I've done...wreckless things in the past. You seem to be the outcome of it-" yes you've had your fun moments without using certain things I GET IT.

"-Why on earth do you think Senzaemon cares for you just as much as Erina? Or how you easily got accepted to a school as Elite as that?? It's because of me I made you" he said with a serious glare oh my fucking god just what kind of melodramatic telenovela is this?? Fuck you thinking geniuses are born.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples I swear this is too much for me, first a fight now my childhood trauma saying he is my birth father?? Oh how nice.

"Alright then why don't you tell me oh please do tell me. Why was it I got thrown away?" I asked making him smile.

"I wanted you to grow"

"....okay what the ever lasting fuck do you mean?"

"I see potential and I want you to grow on your own. Have you seen yourself?? The raw power grown on it's own is fascinating, I almost did the same to Erina sadly my wife had stopped me. I've made sure no one and I mean no one intervenes with you but that is until you came on your own. Your attitude reminds me of when I-" I cut him off by nearly stabbing his wrist with a spoon while glaring at him with pure rage which only seem to make him smile.

"'re left me to rot for your own entertainment...?"

"Why if course not, I just made sure you can grow with the talent I've given you" oh my god this man I just can't believe this man

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