Meow of a Tiger

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Kanae's pov

From the day I started working here to today I'm telling you this I hated each and every guest Nakiri Ojii-san has to invite they're either anoying, loud, fashionistas, or all of the above AND NO I can't hit them with trays I've tried, because they're his guests and I'll get fired and I like the pay he gives me even though I'm an intern and not supposed to be getting money. So I have come up with an ingenious plan.

"Ahh you must be a genius behind this but uh...why are you wearing a paper bag on your face" yes I have resulted in wearing a paper bag instead of giving my natural face.

"She's a shy girl, she can't handle being in crowds"I can feel Erina trying her best not to throw me to hell with how I look especially in front of her guests of honor.

"Awe how sweet well this has been an amazing meal I'll come back soon!" The client went off and I took my cover off giving her a thumbs up.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST THROW THAT THING AWAY???" She yelled choking me while shaking me back and forth.

"THEY ARE ANNOYING AND I CANT RESULT IN VIOLENCE. THIS IS THE ONLY COMPROMISE I AM WILLING TO DO !!" I yelled back she let me go straightening her school clothes and went to find her shoes.

"Well you could just not wear that! It's idiotic!!"

"Yeah I'm not sure if you've noticed princess but the first few times of me serving they won't even touch the dishes. And with you saying I can't 'threat them' how can I not wear this?"

"Why are you so stupid..."

"Ah remember this idiot cooks for you~" I sang, she sighed as the doors opened for her and the limo was outside waiting for her.

"The Autumn festival is today, try and stop by" she mumbled the last part before going inside her car making me chuckle going to my room.

Yes, my room well it's not really my room it's just a place where I can experiment with my spices and herbs along with a closet filled with books and notes I have, sad that I can't really go to Totsuki without being surrounded and that I can't see anyone fight to the death by having a cook off but atleast I can start rereading again. I do sleep in a futon in the room so I guess-

"KANAE-SAMA!!!" A chef came running to me out of breath making me arch an eyebrow.

"What? I'm trying to go away from reality her-"

"It's Senzaemon-sama he wants to talk!!"

....oh my god is this my karma for yelling at adults and making them cry....


~Meanwhile at Totsuki~

"Nee nee is she really not coming?" Yuki sighed since the festival was about to begin soon.

"She promised she'll be here to see us atleast get to top 3" Yukihira said sitting on the pavement.

"But the festival is about to start"

"You guys can go in first I'll w-"

They were all shocked when seeing a black limo drift through the opening gates a few people already running off and whispering who the fuck it was, the doors opened revealing Kanae with shades and a stick in her mouth...a pocky stick because it's cooler than actually smoking.

"....when did she own a car...?"

"Do you think she killed someone...?"

"Did she got...a Yakuza boyfriend...?" They all shivered at the thought as she ran and tackled them down in a hug.

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