Eizan and a Shokugeki

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Kanae's pov

I can't tell if Shinomiya senpai is trying to make me have high blood pressure or if he genuinely just doesn't know what's going on and just invited him. His guards were blocking other customers for coming in which I can tell is making Shinomiya irk

Right it's actually breakfast hour by now.

Like I'm no shop owner but I wouldn't just open doors for some guy who looks like he's going to commit a murder with a bunch of men in black surrounding him. Luckily I didn't studied for shit with there being a pile of shit just dazzled with money infront of me.

"Kanae, glad I finally found you" he smiled which I replied back with a sinister' please go away before I stab you' smile and glare at him as he eats the rest of the Éclair.

"What do you think your doing?? Aren't you going to kick him out" I said with my eye twitching as he arched an eyebrow gesturing to his customers.

"All he said was that he wanted a shokugeki and hell pull out his men. That's a win win for me really" he shrugged finishing the meal making me gape IS HE SERIOUS?!?

"Well monsieur Eizan seems that she wants to show you her skills before agreeing to a shokugeki"

"WAIT NO I never sa-"

"She also wants you to bet your seat if she wins"

"Is that so?"


"I agree to your conditions then"

I slammed my head to the wall repeatedly creating a dent hoping this is all a nightmare you know having 2 people I want to avoid for my entire life just here talking and breathing near me and just being alive. I took a breath and slapped my cheeks shaking out the thought of putting ghost peppers in his meal and turned to them.

"So what is it do you want me to make oh your royal yankee highness" I bowed I can feel his anger through his eyeballs.

"I heard you spent 2 hours perfecting your studi-"

"She didn't, just made some Éclairs" Shinomiya sighed cutting him off making him laugh. Hey I'm not a masochist as to read 3 books on french cuisine, cutting techniques, food groups, and history I already know for 2 hours.

"Well then, why don't I change this shokugeki then having Shinomiya-san her-"

"Hey you said you only wanted her here I gave you to her hell I needed to rearrange my plans to tor- service learning because of you"...was he about to say that he wanted to torment me....

"Fine then for this shokugeki lets set French Cuisine as our theme"



Shinomiya's pov

I don't even have to make her tell me what she was thinking, if looks could kill that Eizan is lucky to be standing on his two feet.

In all honesty  I was actually looking forward to having a shokugeki and diminishing her pride into dust sad he needed to stick his bussiness here. I can't just have the press or media know I wanted a bloody shokugeki with a kid

I can smell two dishes coming from the kitchen, first is a Ratatouille a French Provençal stewed vegetable dish and Bouillabaisse a traditional Provençal fish stew originating from the port city of Marseille.

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