Cooking for a Queen

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Kanae's pov

"Kanae?? We want to study now!! Open up you promise th-" I cut the knocks off by opening the door and Soma falling down guess he was leaning to close and well everyone else behind him with notepads ready.

Seriously the hell is wrong with them it's bloody 9 am and I just finished showering who would wake this early just to study my god

"Were you all brought here against your will or something?! It's so early" I sighed going back in my room and gestured them to come in and sit on anywhere.

"Alright alright what did I promise to teach you again??" I asked opening my cabinets the smell of spices lingered along with some notes and books falling out.

"The first dish we're supposed to cook is curry" Soma said as I rummage through the cabinet throwing jars of spice to them.

"Catch them or you won't learn" I said continuing and bringing out some notes I have.

Ohhh hohohoho you're so lucky this is still an amateur phase and that I love everyone here. I tied my hair up to a bun and put the rows of spices and a mortar and pestle infront well they're in for a treat after knowing the hundred types of frikin curry.

The guys brought all the jars of spices I had and I started talking bout well curry as we made our way to the kitchen

"Curry can be seen not just with rice there are alot of types from the Indian Subcontinent those who have fish, some have only vegetables. There are lots lots LOTS OF IT!!" I said finally arriving to the kitchen helping putting them on the table.

"Asafetida ,Bay leaves, carom seen, cumin seeds, cloves, black peppercorn, cardamom seeds green and black, cilantro, cinnamon, curry leaves, fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, mango powder, mustard seeds, nigella, pomegranate seeds ,nutmeg , poppy seeds, saffron, and lastly sesame seeds." Their eyes widened seeing all the spices and I honestly don't know what they were expecting thinking this was already a handful.

"These little bombs of taste buds are your key to getting through this"

"But this is all right??" Zenji asked making me laugh...oh wait he's serious.

"Technically these are just some essentials needed in indian cooking to make them pop with curry is just a matter of finding one that fits well with another things such as this" I grabbed the jar showing them and opening the lid.

"What is that? Smells so strong" Ryoko irked stepped back a bit,

"Garam Masalda. Black and white peppercorns, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace Black and green cardamom pods, Bay leaf, Cumin, and Coriander. Just some of my experimental spices" I smiled closing the lid back in.

"This is just a tip, When something doesn't smell right throw it away and start something new" I took a pinch of saffron, lavender, and black pepper.

I put them to mix with the mortar and pestle me doing this already brings shame and soul drained faces from my roomates.

"B-by doesn't smell right this is one of them?" Soma asked pinching his nose and I nodded before putting it in a small jar.

"Kanae-chii why are you keeping it??"

"Might be of use one day" I breathed out and clapped my hands.

"Yoshh who wants to be my guinea pig step forward" I saw as everyone stepped back leaving Yukihira up front alone and dumbfounded.

"Yukihira brave boy come up now" I took a used rag covering his eyes, "alright now infront of you now are the spices I want you to follow your nose and find what YOU think smells good. GOODLUCK" I slapped his back and skipped to the crowd.

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