Welcome Polar Star Dormitory

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Yukihira's pov

"Then she just ran off I can't even think of a reason why she ran off like that" Isshiki-senpai cried well I think we all know the reason for that...

"Could it be because you greeted her while using that" Ryoko asked pouring another glass of rice juice.

"Hope she won't wonder off too far though it's freezing out there" I shivered remembering the cold out there. Maybe I should've waited for her...Wait something is wrong

"Nee Fumio-san hasn't been mad at us for being this loud yet" I turned my head seeing Daigo and Shoji probably killing Zenji.

"Yeahh your ri-"

"BAHAHAAHAHHA" Loud laughter can be heard from the outside along with a delicious scent. We all went to the window only to see Fumio-san talking wait isn't that Kanae?

"Oiii you kids I found the new girl!! Bring a bowl too there's plenty for everyone" Fumio called out calling us down.

Kanae's pov.

In the end I just made a pumpkin gumbo with some clams, mussels and shrimp I caught from a river. Why yes this school does have one thank you for asking
Well I don't think I remembered pumpkin in the recipe and good thing she liked this cause I had no idea where I was going with this.

"Wooww I smell something amazing!!" I heard voices  coming out oh god so this isn't a haunted house after all.

9 people came out, one with purple hair and orange eyes held some rice juice, another with bright orange hair and teal eyes had animal stench? A girl with blue hair tied to pigtails, a nerd with glasses, some guy with no eyes, 2 giant muscle heads, and Yukihira and that other guy with the pink kuma apron. Well They seem like a riot.

"Kaanaaee-sannn" he cried running to me before bowing down repeatedly.

"Forgive me for scaring you" he cried as I hit his head with a spoon.

"Eat then I'll apologize " I said filling his portion before once more seeing this red headed idiot.

"Ahahah Kanae great to see you again" Yukihira came slapping my back making stare at him with a deadpanned look

"You know for a minute there I thought you got lost in the forest and got mauled by a bea-GYAH" I cut him off by putting him in a choke hold before opening the top of the pumpkin head for the rest of them to eat.

"While I deal with this thing leaving me alone please have some" I smiled at the rest and elbowed his back, hearing a snap.

"Thank you!! Oh let me introduce myself, I'm Ryoko Sakaki" the girl with purple hair called out with a smile.

"Yoo I'm Yuki Yoshino" the girl with orange hair called out and gobbled the food down.

"those two idiots are shoji and Daigo and that guy that looks dead is Zenji and the one with the apron is Satoshi Isshiki-senpai" she continued pointing at a boy with glasses between two jock looking...jocks and the guy with the apron.

"Shun..." a boy with hair covering his face and with uhh smoke scent said.

"I'm Megumi Tadokoro nice to meet you" she smiled awe she seems nice.

"Oii...I can't breath" he barely whispered while choking and slapping on my arm.

"Oh right sorry" I let him go as his face turned back to human color.

"Ahh and uh Kanae are you....a male?" Ryoko asked while eating the gumbo making my eye twitch.

"Yeaahh!! When your at that speech you were so manly and cool!"  Shoji yelled his eyes shinning oh come closer I'll poke the shine out and make it dark. Fumio-san sighed while Yukihira tried covering up his laughter.

"I would like to confirm I'm NOT male, puberty just decided to give me height instead of breasts" I let the bun I had on go letting my hair go poof as everyone had shocked looks-OK I KNOW IM LESS DEVELOPED BUT IM STILL A GIRL.

"Fumio-san is this true??" They all went to the old lady as she nodded.

"EEHHH?? BUT ATLEAST HALF OF THE GIRLS AND GUYS IN SCHOOL THINK YOUR A BOY!!!" Megumi-chan said I gave her a dead smile and went to my bag to bring out my wine.

"OOOIIII WE WE ARE NOT IN LEGAL AG-" I smacked Zenji's head with the bottle and began chugging it down.

"This is an emergency enough..."



Soon enough lots of people went to bed and I stayed up with Satoshi-senpai and Yukihira making some spanish mackerel for us since we're new here and I decided to tag along since well...I was dragged into it actually.

"Let me reintroduce myself, I'm Satoshi Isshiki seventh seat in the elite Ten. I'll like to see what you two bring here in the academy " he said with a smile as I gobbled down the food. My mouth was filled with heavenly tastes a shame it's-

"Kanae-chan you made a face" Satoshi-senpai called out as I chocked on the meal.

"Oh did I?"

"Yeah you got something to say?" Yukihira asked while eating as I sighed.

"Well I'm not much of a canned meal fan but the mackerel was probably a day or two old so it's a bit chewy and strange taste to it and the Sauce was too thick, maybe you should add some soy sauce...." I trailed off as they looked at me with a bamboozled look. Ah I rambled whoopsies

"Well...you two seem to be busy...I'll be on my way now" I excused my self from this and went to my own room with the key Fumio-san gave me before slumping myself to my bed

Well it's nice of her to help out with my things at least, this place has a nice homey feel to it with its' old rickety style which I honestly don't mind.

After putting my clothes in the closets and my books on the shelves and table then tidying up my bed I let out a satisfied huff. I suddenly smelled something terrible god is there a dead animal in here??

Oh wait...I haven't took a shower today...


Isshiki's pov

"Wow that's interesting" Soma mumbles while looking at my dish. He isn't wrong, I'm surprised she went that far to criticize something so small.

"Soma-kun who is she ?"

"Don't know, met her at the entrance exam. People do keep calling her some kind of hound or something" he shrugged a hound? That name seems so familiar

"What's wrong senpai?" He asked bringing me back to earth

"Oh just a memory came along you see there has been rumors spreading for 3 or so years perhaps about someone labeling themselves 'Blood Hound'. "

"Blood hound huh? Well I've definitely heard of them, dad told me they came once and I was a kid? But heck I barely remember it thoufh " He laughed and continued to eat.

Well the Name Kanae Jabami doesn't really ring any bells, as for that rumor I have heard plenty of those. Though it might be true of her being it, she has no family records, and she has no background information....this seems peculiar

"Oii senpai you ok? We need to clean this up"

"Huh oh yeah!!"

I'll find out your secret Kanae-ku-chan

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