An egg-cellent dish

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Kanae's pov

"Wow...200 servings huh...?" I asked half awake in 6 am in the morning with everyone in our room and Yuki jumping on my bed. How is it that people here are incredibly energetic

"Yeah and the main dish is an egg!!" She beamed making my eye twitch heh what's with this place and eggs. Is egg the golden rule to succeed in this fucking camp??

"How interesting...wake me up when things really matter" I sighed pulling on my sheets making her fall.

"Kanae-san we're going to be late!!" Megumi shook my arm.

"Well can't be helped, Shoji Daigo grab her ankles and drag her" Soma said...this is actually a really nice idea.

Soon enough I was dragged along by them through the hall of confused students and my flipping them off with Megumi and Shun apologizing to well...everyone. They let go when we reached the cooking hall where everyone lined up neatly all agitated and scared.

I yawned getting up and tying my hair to a bun urrhhhh people smell like shit...and my breath smells like shit, I felt a tap on my back turning around I saw Shun with a breath mints

"Your breaths smells" he said closing his nose while wearing a mask.

"I know" I groaned eating a bunch of mints before chewing on some gum.

"Today you will be serving 200 dishes under an hour!! Fail to do so and I'll have you expelled, BEGIN!!" He shouted through the room making me choke on the gum before swallowing it.

Well fuck

I just walked as I made my way to the fridge just grabbed whatever there was in ahh I could make some soup, cold weather here is really unforgiv-

"the eggs are so high!!" What a bratty call.

I looked beside me seeing an albino girl trying to reach up a shelf... ah well there is a chair beside her I'm sure she'll get it. I grabbed my things and was about to go to my table until my back collar was pulled back.

"Ne what kind of gentleman are you, help me out" she pouted as I growled pulling myself from her and grabbing the eggs.

"Forgive me I can't decode brat language, if you need help then say it " I said giving her the ingredients she needed and walked off ignoring the name calling.

I went to my station and started to think what the hell was I supposed to make, let's see's pretty cold season honestly and breakfast should be something light but fulfilling. Ahh idea.

"What is your name?" I arched an eyebrow with the albino brat back again.

"aren't you a ray of pain-in-the-ass, Why does my name matter" I smiled putting some chicken wings, bones, and skin in a pot.

"Well what else should I call you then?"

"Don't, I barely even know you. Can you leave?" I arched a brow and added some water to the chicken carcasses before turning a medium heat and cutting some white onion, celery stalks, garlic , large bay leaves,  fresh thyme, parsley stems, ginger, Kosher salt , whole black peppercorns, nutmeg, before closing them

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