Atumn Announcement

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Kanae's pov

"Jabami Kanae!!" I sighed letting my hair go and sit on the floor trying to catch my breath.

My god are they ruthless to actually make me cook without breaks.

The matches this elite ten wanted me to are so tiring. I had to make diffrent types of dishes in every match, my hands feel like cramping, there are 7 continents each with their own cooking style THAT I CONSTANTLY HAVE TO FOLLOW, AND HAVEN'T EVEN ATE BREAKFAST.

I've been called to wake up at 7 fucking am and till now being of oh I don't know noon? I'm taking on students who challenge me to shokugekis a day ago, this one is my last today and the shokugeki today. I knew this was a terrible idea of mine, all the people that went against me are dare I say it small fry it's just boring basically it's painfull and tiresome to watch them even try. Not trying to say they're talentless I'm just saying that I would much rather have shokugekis with other people who have a chance of beating me now that would be much more fun.

I didn't even know today was shokugeki day I was just told that there was a sale on some kitchenware....which turned to a lie since I was dragged out to this cage fight.  I sighed getting up hearing the whispers about me, well I don't blame them taking the challenge especially with they fact I basically just expelled 43 students in 5 hours.

I swear if this is their strategy to make me so deathly tired before competing against me than they'd be correct. I want death

"KANNAAAEEE-CHII!!" I heard her yell and the polar star waving this giant flag with my face on it...these people have no shame.

"Yo Yukki" I waved at them since they were at the front lines. They're here for my mental and emotional support because I'm...I'm just so tired

"The matches sure are taking a while how long has it been again?" Daigo asked Zenji he sighed looking at the clock.

"Ne maybe around 5 hours? Kanae-san are you serious about continuing?" He asked as I arched an eyebrow at him.

"If I don't it'll be an automatic defeat and I'll have to leave and no way I'm leaving because of a bunch of RICH ASSHOLES WANTING ME OUT" I yelled ahowing my middle finger to the camera as the camera person slowly backed off.

"Kanae maybe they'll let you off the hook look your burning up, your face is really red" the red blob said while touching my forehead with his

"I'm pretty sure this heat is from my face being constantly near open flame"

"Hey Yukihira is right I think you might be having a fever" Ryoko said all worried well she isn't wrong..but it don't mean she's right...wait-

"Ok so what if everything around me is spinning I can still do this, right Yukki?"

"Kanae-chin...that's Megumi-chin not me" she called out, I rubbed my eyes only to see a flustered Megumi as I groaned.

"Yeah maybe I sh-"

"Here you go folks the last shokugeki of the day~! Hayama Akira!!" I grunted like an old man hearing another name as tying my hair back up, well it's the last one fuck it.

I sighed walking to my station and waited for my oponent...that smelled alot like cinnamon, he came in with well a cinnamon stick he had white hair, green eyes, and tanned skin. Along with a girl maybe following behind him and she sure is short for her age.

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