Chapter 15

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Rema's POV-

I could hear people talking, but my eyes were to heavy to open, so I just listened.

"What did you do to her, Black?" I heard Sirena ask. "I didn't do anything to her, Daaé," Sirius said. "Sirena don't fight with him," I heard Petrina say.

"Stay out of this," Sirius hissed. "Don't talk to her like that," Jamie said. "I can talk to anyone any way that I want," Sirius said.

"Don't talk to any of us that way," Sirena said, and her and Sirius continued yelling at each other. "What do you want Potter?" Jamie asked.

"Well nothing now DeWitt," James said. "Well if you was going to say something say it," Jamie said. There was silence, "Well are you going to say it or not Potter?" Jamie asked.

I heard them yelling and disagreeing like Sirena and Sirius. "Hey Peter," Petrina said. "What do you want Bell?" Peter sneered.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Petrina asked and I could hear how hard his words had made her feel and it was sadness.

"You and your no good friends, got my wand in a knot," Peter said, "Why don't you back to where you came from, you filthy mudblood."

I heard Petrina cry, I opened my eyes and shot up off my bed and saw I was in my clothes and they were damp.

I walked over to Peter and punched him right in the jaw, "you don't talk to Petrina like that you ass," I said.

"Rema," Jamie, Sirena and Petrina said running over to me and hugging me. They pulled away and smiled at me then went to a straight face, "What happened?" Petrina asked.

"What did Black do to you?" Sirena asked. "What did Potter do to you?" Jamie asked. "We didn't do anything," James and Sirius said in unison.

Jamie and Sirena turned around and glared at them, then Petrina looked down at Peter who was rubbing his jaw, and started crying.

"Petrina," We said and hugged her. "He's not worth it," Sirena and Jamie said. "Hey take her up to her room, I'll be up there in a minute," I said.

They nodded their heads and walked with Petrina out. I turned and looked at the guys with a death glare, "How dare you," I said.

"How dare us?" Sirius asked, "Were not the ones who jumped in the lake." I walked over and punched him in the jaw.

"I never want to see any of you again," I said, "you've hurt us more, but Peter hurt Petrina and I am not having Sirena and Jamie get hurt like that from any of you."

Peter tried to get up, but I kicked him with my shoe and he fell back down. "I mean it, or there will be hell to pay," I said then walked away, and when I turned the corner, I ran into Remus and would have fell if he hadn't wrapped his arm around my waist and caught me.

"Sorry," He said. I looked at him and he smiled and I felt this weird feeling go through me when suddenly I remembered what I said to Sirius, James and Peter in the Hospital Wing.

I moved back and went around him and walked up to the Gryffindor common room, and when I walked in I saw Jamie and Sirena comforting Petrina.

"Don't listen to Peter, he's just a dick," Sirena said. "We know how much you liked him," Jamie said. "He doesn't deserve your heart and kindness and anything else," I said bending down in front of her.

She smiled and wipped her tears away, "Thanks guy's," She said engulfing us in a hug. "Your like a sister," We said, "We wouldn't let anything hurt you."

"Let's do something," Petrina said, "Something crazy and dangerous." "Who are you and what have you done with Petrina Bell?" Jamie asked, but Sirena looked amused.

"Alright Rema what do you think we should do?" Sirena asked me and the others looked at me. "Why don't we wash all our sorrows away with a little butter beer and some fire whiskey," I said.

They smiled and we ran out and towards the kitchen when we saw Sirius, James and Remus walking past us.

"Come on," I whispered and we followed them. "I can't believe she wouldn't even talk to me," Remus said, "What the hell did you guys do?"

I was shocked, I never thought Remus would cuss, "We didn't do anything Moony," Sirius said. "Well you must have done something Padfoot," Remus said.

"Well we didn't," James said. "For some reason I don't believe you guys," Remus said. Then Remus turned around and walked towards us, "Where are you going Moony?" Sirius asked.

"To the kitchen," He said. "Why are you going down there?" James asked. "To have a drink or something," he said.

I had this weird feeling go through me, and for some reason I wanted to talk to Remus and tell him what happened, and say that I was ok.

"Rema," Sirena whispered, "Rema come on." I shook my head and went out of my trance, "Sorry," I said and got up.

"What do we do now?" Jamie asked. "We got to get to the kitchen first," I said, "Come on, I found this secret entrance," I said and ran off and towards the entrance.

We passed them on the way, but thankfully they didn't see us. We were out of breath by the time we got there, but thankfully we got there first and sat down, "Four butter beer's," I said.

"Actually just three," Petrina said, "I want a fire whiskey." She was jumping up and down in her seat, and when the house elf came back, Petrina took the cup and chugged the drink.

"Another one please," she said and about 5 fire whiskey's later, she was still going at it, we looked at her amused.

"What are you staring at?" She slurred then started giggling, like crazy, and we just laughed at her. "Misses do you want another one?" The house elf asked.

We was going to say something to the elf when, "I want 5 more," Petrina said then held her head in one of her hands.

"Guys do you want to know something?" She asked us. I was somewhat scared to know, "What?" Me, Jamie and Sirena asked.

"Come closer," she said waving her hands towards her. We got as close as possible, "Peter had kissed me," she said.

I cringed and so did the others, "What?" We asked. The house elf came back with the 5 fire whiskeys, and Petrina was having the time of her life drinking them, then she laid down the fifth cup and looked at us.

"Yea," she slurred, "I was helping him with some homework and he just," she said then paused and touched her hand to her mouth and then pulled it away as if she was blowing a kiss, "he kissed me."

I looked at the others when the house elf came back with 10 more fire whiskeys, and I wondered where they were coming from, but shook it off when Petrina started laughing uncontrollably.

I turned towards her and we just laughed at her.

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