Chapter 23

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Rema's POV-

I was still laughing when I bumped into someone, "Rema we're having difficulties thinking of things," James said.

I looked at them then remembered everything, "For crying out loud," I said, "Come with me." I grabbed their arms and dragged them over to Moaning Myrtles bathroom.

I looked both ways and pushed them inside, "What are we doing in a girls lavatory?" James asked, "Don't you think someone will come in here?"

I looked at him and sighed, I walked over to one of the stalls and saw the book. I grabbed it then walked out and sat down.

"No one comes in here," I said flipping through the pages. "And why is that?" James asked. "I'm suprised you don't know this saying you've been here longer then me," I said, "this is Moaning Myrtle's bathroom."

They gasped, "Why are we in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom?" James asked, "and what's that?" He asked pointing to my book.

"Will you shut up and sit down?" I asked them. They glared at me then sat down, "Alright, I've had to make some changes," I said.

"What changes?" They asked. "Where to go changes," I said, "instead of going to Jamie's house we have to go to mine."

I pulled out several pieces of paper and laid them out, "This is all our houses and on the back is things we like for dates like where we want to go what we want to do," I said.

"Take Jamie for example," I said then read her thing:

*My ideal date is to go to a Qudditch match I don't care which one I love them all, then after that's over we'd go have a fancy dinner or something as long as I get to eat. I would like to watch movies with them and get to know them, but I wouldn't want them to have any ideas after the movies, like sex and what not, not like Sirena, I love her to death, but somethings yea you know, any who, I'd just want to be with this person because if they ask me on a date, and can deal with me over the whole thing I'd like to be with them, play Qudditch with them over the summer and just hang out.

So all in all this is my ideal date.

I finshed off and they just looked at me, "Alright," I said, "Now Petrina:"

My ideal date would be in winter time, I love the winter, so people say I'm crazy for that having a date in winter when it's cold and dark, but I like the snow I like making snow angels and snowmen and have snow ball fights with the special person. I would also like to go see some animals I love them to death, but rats aren't my favorite animals in the world," I was stopped there by James dieing out laughing and I looked at him while Peter went scarlett. I shook it off and continued, "I know we need to be writing about our ideal dates but sometimes I feel out of place with Jamie, Sirena, and Rema, their just out there a lot and I'm more laid back and sit in the shadows, I don't think they would like that if they read this so I'll just continue on with the date thing. I would just want to have a fun date, being in the snow having snow ball fights and then we would go walk and I'd forget my jacket and they would take theirs off for me and wrap it around me to show me that they truly care, then we would go inside because it was to cold and some hot tea or some hot coco and just watch a movie until it's late and he has to go home."

Then I saw newer writing, but I read this to myself, "I want a guy who doesn't judge me on my blood status, like Sirena and Jamie being purebloods and Rema being half-blood and me being muggleborn, I want someone who doesn't call me a filfthy mudblood. Sirena, Jamie and Rema, stick up for me a lot, but they need to know I can stand up for myself and don't need them to stand up for me. I just want some guy who will protect me and help me out when I'm having difficulties in life and stand up for me when I'm called a mudblood, but the guy I thought I liked he didn't so I don't even know if I should even have someone, just go and not get married and be an old cat lady and be like my parents muggles, not use magic at all, just be the filfthy mudblood that I am.

I realized I was crying by the end, "Is everything alright?" Remus and James asked. I looked up at them, "Yea everthing's alright," I said wiping my tears away, "Hey it's getting late we should probably get to bed."

They nodded their heads and I took Jamie's paper back and put both her's and Petrina's in there then closed it and walked with it up to my dormitory where I saw Sirena icing her thighs and Petrina reading a book while Jamie cleaned her broom.

"Rema where have you been?" Petrina asked. "Petrina what is this?" I asked her opening the book and handing it to her.

She went blank, "Did you read that?" She asked me. I nodded my head, "Petrina we stand up for you because your like a sister, and some guy will to," I said handing Jamie and Sirena the paper to read together, "Peter isn't worth that, so he called you a You-Know-What, it doesn't mean some other boy will."

"You can say it Rema," she said, "mudblood." I bent down and looked at her, "Petrina you are not a mudblood don't let what Peter said get to your head, no matter how many things cross your way Jamie, Sirena and me will be there for you, we'll let you stand up for youself, but if they don't believe you we'll come and comfort you, and your blood status doesn't matter, and your not going to grow up to be a muggle, and not use magic and become an old cat lady."

"We won't Petrina we'll be there for you," Jamie said. She smiled at us, "Thanks guys," she said crying tears that were not judging her, "I shouldn't have wrote that I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I said smiling at her then I grabbed the paper and put it back in the book then grabbed the book and put it in my trunk.

"There it's gone," I said, "It's just a memory." Jamie, Sirena and me said, which made Petrina smile which made us all smile.

"What happened to your thigh?" I asked Sirena. "It's a long story," she said, "I'll tell you guys tommorow, now time for me to go to sleep," she said and crawled into her bed with the ice.

"Good night," She said. "Night," Jamie and Petrina said while I turned the light off and walked to my bed. "Good night guys," I said.

"Good night," they said and I could hear Sirena and Jamie already snorning, but not heavily they just snored quietly and I saw Petrina just lay their looking like she doesn't have any problems staying perfect while she sleeps.

I smiled then thought 'I'm lucky to have friends like them,' then fell asleep dreaming about my future life.

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