Chapter 43

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Rema's POV
(The Next Day)

I woke up on the living room with a headache and remembered the girls night and I looked and saw Sirena asleep on the couch and Jamie and Petrina with butter beer bottles beside them and saw some beside me.

"Lord," I mumbled and got up and walked into the kitchen and saw Remus, James, Peter and Sirius sitting at the table with their heads in their hands.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked walking to the cabinet and getting some ibuprofen and set it on the counter then got me a glass and filled it with water.

I took the meds and realized they didn't answer, "Hey!" I said slamming my hands against the counter.

They snapped their heads up and they looked like crap, "What?" They asked. "What happened to you all?" I asked going over and sitting at the head of the table.

"Drunk... So much..." They said when Peter shot up and ran to the downstairs bathroom and all I heard was him vomiting.

I gagged some, "What don't like the sound of vomit?" Sirius asked while smirking. I looked at my drink then to him then grabbed it and threw the water, in my cup, at him.

"What was that for?" He asked or more like yelled. I heard groans in the living room. I got up and walked in there and saw Jamie and Petrina moaning in pain and holding their hands to their heads.

I laid my empty cup down then walked in the kitchen, got the meds, got two glasses of water then walked back into the living room and handed it to them.

"Thanks," they said taking it when Rose, my house elf, walked in and began cleaning everything up.

"Dirty, dirty rooms," she mumbled while putting everything back where they came from and taking the trash and empty cups into the kitchen then I heard her walking to all the downstairs rooms and continued to hear her mumble that.

"Gosh what happened last night?" They asked as Sirena woke up, and not drunk this time. "Hard to explain!" I said smiling and Sirena laughed with me.

They just nodded their heads and closed their eyes. The guys soon walked in, some of them wobbling a little bit, "I'll take her to bed," James said picking Jamie up.

We nodded and Peter wobbled over to take Petrina, "Hey mate," Remus said holding him back, "Why don't I do it and you just go up and lay down,"

Peter nodded sleepily as Remus picked up Petrina and carried her upstairs, "Sirius can you help me up?" Sirena asked.

He nodded and ran over and helped, "I'm going to go read to the baby," she said. I smiled at her and he smiled and nodded and they walked up the steps.

I sighed and laid down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. I thought about everything, how lucky I am to have such great friends, the guys included, and how they've been there for me through everything, besides the guys.

"Hey," Remus said coming over and I moved my legs and he sat down and I put my legs over his lap not really knowing that I was.

"What are you doing?" He asked, "Is there something interesting on the ceiling?" He asked and I saw him crane his neck back to look.

I laughed, "No I'm just thinking," I said. "About what?" He asked looking down at me. "Everything," I said smiling some, "the good and the bad things that have happened in my life."

"Oh," he said, "I sometimes do that as well, but not as much." I smiled, "I think everyone does it sometime in their life, some just don't want to admit it," I said.

"You sound so sophisticated when you talk you know?" He said. "I do now?" I asked smiling.

"Yes," he said, "you always state the obvious and not so obvious things in people or something, and every time you do, you sound so smart and put together when you do."

I looked up at him, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked. "Good," he said, "a really good thing."

I laughed some and laid back down, "Why thank you Remus Lupin," I said, "and you are the same exact way you know?"

"Yeah," he said, "people always tell me that." I laughed some, "So Remus," I said.

"Yeah?" He asked. "Every full moon how come you leave to go to the secret dome in the woods?" I asked.

"Oh that," he said and I heard a hint of nervousness, worry and fear in his voice. "You don't have to explain it to me," I said, "I was just wondering, but if you ever want to, you can tell me."

"Well," he said getting ready to explain when my parents and the guys parents came walking in.

"Oh the little lovebirds," mum and his mum said. "Mum!" I said to her, "We're not love birds."

"Yeah what she said," Remus said. I looked at him and laughed, "Alright whatever you say," our mums said smiling.

They soon put their luggage back in their rooms, and walked back downstairs, "So how was Italy?" I asked them all as they sat down in the other chairs. "Oh it was amazing," the girls said smiling.

"The food and beer were good," the men said. I laughed as the women smacked them upside the head, "I have a few recipes that we're going to make for dinner tonight," mum said as the other mums nodded.

"Speaking of which, we should probably get started," mum said. They all nodded and the women got up and mum kissed my head then walked in the kitchen and I heard them and Rose talking to one another.

"Want a cigar my friends?" Father asked them. They all nodded as dad got up, and grabbed the box there in.

Dad kissed my head then they walked out back and I heard them talking, "and then there were two," we said at the same time.

I laughed some as did he, "I think I'm going to go bathe and get the smell of...." I said standing up then whispered, "alcohol off me."

He laughed and nodded, "Me to." I smiled at him then walked upstairs and to my room but I passed everyone as they were coming down, "I'd take a nice long shower," I told them.

"Why?" They asked. "Our parents are back," I said. They all had wide eyes then ran upstairs and Sirena wobbled some, up them and I heard the doors all closing fastly.

I smiled and rolled my eyes then went to my bathroom in my room and turned the water on for a bath.

I put in some bubbles and got some towels then stripped down and stepped into the warm bubbly water.

I shampooed, conditioned, washed and shaved, then slid down into the warm water and just let it over take me.

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