Chapter 5

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- Y/n's P.O.V.-

It's was 4 months when I came to Fujumi High. But yet it was terrible off by favorite couple ruining me...

~ Flash Back~

As I was walking to school, someone pulled me. I looked and saw Gotou and Umeya, they were wearing an evil smirk. "How's your date?" I smiled. " It was great and today's your death." 'Oh shoot.' I got off their side and start running. " SOMEONE HELP ME! THEY ARE GOING TO MURDER ME! HELP!" I shouted as they were chasing me. "Y/N! GET BACK HERE!" " IT'S YOUR TURN TO FEEL THE TORTURE!" I was running, but there was someone riding their bike in full speed. "Y/n!" I turned and look who was it, then I was pulled by someone. It hugged me, I look up it was Aoyama. I pulled away as he looked at me. "Are you okay?" "Yeah.. Thanks, for that." Then I saw Gotou on Umeya's back, he was running in full speed. "Oh, shoot. I have to go!" Then he held my wrist. "Why?" "They are going to kill me! I have to go, and thanks, I owe you one. Bye, see you in class!" I quickly ran away as I left Aoyama standing there confused. In the end, my punishment was being tickled for the whole day. I spit water at one of them because I was drinking my water and she/he poked ticklish spot. But what I didn't notice was Aoyama and I are getting closer and being friendly with the whole soccer team also to the ones who bullied me. So in the end, the bullies like the captain became friends.

~ End of flashback~

I was under a Sakura tree with Gotou, Umeya and Aoyama on a blanket. We were talking about for the soccer team, some stories and our studies. We had fun but when we were done. We kept our things and went to the basketball court. We decided to play basketball in the basketball court since it was already P.E. Then I saw Aoyama shooting the basketball into the basket. Then I saw Odagiri with Aoyama talking but I didn't mind, until when I heard that she called him "master". I was shocked, and sat at the bench keeping quiet. ' What is feeling? It's really is bugging me. But why? Should I feel that way?' I thought to myself, I was blank and stuck in my head. I was blank for 30 minutes, then shocked and sad that Odagiri was the only who is able to touch Aoyama. Then I remembered that Aoyama hugged me since the incident, I didn't know that a tear came out of my eye running down my cheek. "Hey, Y/n? Are you okay?" I turn and look it was Gotou. "Yeah! I'm fine. Can we go to the soccer field? I need some training." "Sure! I'll go ask Umeya and Aoyama." "No!- I mean, we as girls have alone time together?" "Sure." So we went to the soccer field and played soccer. We did some warm ups but I didn't know that I was running 30 rounds as Gotou was running 10 rounds and Umeya with Aoyama were watching us.

"Hey Y/n! That's enough rounds!" I ignore it. Then someone chased me, which made me run faster, then it caught me. I turned and saw Aoyama, holding my shoulders. "Y/n! Snap out off it!" I was shocked, my feet were shaking. "Come on, your legs are shaking." "No. I'm fine." "No you're not. Just take a break." "Fine." As I tried walking to fell down. I tried getting up but my left knee was bleeding hard. "Get on my back." "W-What?" "Get on my back. I'll carry you to the bench." I doubt it then I realized I had no choice because Umeya and Gotou suddenly disappeared. As he carried me, the smell of his clothes and hair were amazing. " So, why were you crying at the basketball court?" "I wasn't." "Yes, you were. I saw you crying." "It's nothing." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Why do you care?" He kept silent and I realized what I said. "I-I'm so sorry about what I said." He chuckled. "It's fine. Now, let's clean your injury." He placed me at the bench and took care of my injury. "Thank you." "No problem." he smiled at me.

-After School, in my condo ( I'm lazy to write the rest.)-

"So what is it?" " Please do not tell this to anyone." "Okay." " I think I have a crush on Aoyama."


So that's all!So please vote this story and follow me. If you have anything to ask just comment below or message me in Instagram. Out of the harsh and into the mellow! See ya!

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