Chapter 17

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" Now, now Y/n-chan. If this is how it is going to be, then it will be."


-Third Person P.O.V-

'Okay. So, I guess I pissed her off or something.. As long as I don't die, I'll be fine.' You thought as you are walking around as she is still on ground crawling towards you. 

" Y/n? Are you doing okay in there? I'm calling the police." He said with worry. " No don't! If you do, I-I.. I have to go back." You said with sadness in your voice. ' Go back, huh? I guess I have new idea.' The girl on the floor thought. 

After all that, Odagiri gives up. " Hey Y/n-chan?" You look at her with a huge fear on her face. " Yes, Odagiri?" You said as you were scared. "I'm sorry for early. I have a mental illness. So can I open it up to you?" She said with tears in her eyes. But actually she was acting.

-Y/n's P.O.V-

My heart softens after seeing Odagiri crying because of her mental illness. ' I'm still scared but I'm sure it isn't her fault right?' I thought. " Sure. I'll listen." You said as you sat next to her and comforted her. " Well, I bullied when I was younger and my parents die in a car accident a-and I had depression. I-I-I th-thought by killing someone else will help me but it worsen." she said while shaking a lot.

- After a couple of hours-

-Third Person P.O.V-

We heard the door unlock. Odagiri was sleeping on my shoulder after all the drama that happened. The cuts on my body were already healed because I applied some skin cream on my skin. 

I saw Aoyama, Gotou, Umeya and some of Odagiri's friends. " Odagiri, please wake up. They are here." You shake her a little while saying that. " No~. 1 more hour." She said that as she wrap her arms around your waist and her face suddenly goes from your shoulder to your chest. 

Your face turns crimson red. " O-O-Odagiri-san! Y-Yo-Your f-f-fa-face! I-Is O-O-On M-M-My!!" "Shh~. You're so soft and," She said and looked up to you with a smirk on her face. " cute too!" Then.


Clouds came off your head and you faint with a extremely red face. " Y-Y/n-chan!" She said.

-Next Day-

You didn't go to school because whenever you have an extremely red face and faint, you'll always have a fever. 

*knock knock*

You heard. You walked to the door to see who was that. It was Kurata and Seigo. "Good morning, what are you two doing here?" You asked. " And how did you know where I live?" "N/n, N/n, N/n. I'm your Oni-san, so I know everything." You raised one of your eyebrows. " *sighs* He called Aoyama." Kurata said with an annoyed tone. " So, Y/n-san. Are you feeling okay?" Kurata asked with a concern tone. " Yeah. I just a little of a fever." You said with an' it's okay' tone.

- After many hours-

" Umm.. Kurata-san?" You called her. " Yes?" She looked at you. " I was wondering. If you could make me some food?" You asked her. Then her eyes starts to sparkle. " Y-You want me to cook for you?! I'll do my best! You are the best future sis-in-law ever!!" she said that as she ran to hug you then runs into the kitchen.

You were sitting on your couch, trying to think what she just said. * Ding Dong* 

You heard the doorbell. " I'll get it!" Seigo and ran up to the door. As he opened the door, he saw Aoyama and some of her friends.

" Oh, hi Aoyama and you guys!" He greeted with a smile. " Oni-san, who's there?" You shouted. " Oh, it's just Aoyama and the others!" He shouted back. Then 3 of them came in. " Hi Y/n!" " Hello Y/n." "Hey Y/n." All 3 said. You were giggling softly. 

" I brought a bento for you." said Aoyama. " Us too!" Said Gotou with Umeya in the background nodding his head. " Y/n-san! Your food is done!" Kurata said as she came into the living room with a Katsu Chicken Curry Rice on her hands. As for Aoyama's bento for you is a cute salad roll, crispy chicken bits and blueberries. For the short-tall couple's bento for you was a cute shaped omelette rice with some seaweeds and a [( F/J)Favourite Juice] box.

" W-Wow. Um. I can't just eat all of these. So, why not we share?" You said. " I'm sorry but no. Because you're sick." Said all of them except Aoyama. You sweatdropped and look down on your feet feeling embarrassed. " Say Ah~." You look up with your mouth slightly opened. Then food enters your mouth, surprising you with flavours at once. You look who was feeding you. 

' Aoyama?!'


So! I finally update 3 chapters in a day. * Breathing* That was hardwork. JKJK! It was fine. But I miss playing volleyball.. And yes I do play volleyball. So, here your chapter 17! I'm sorry if this is short!

-From Yours Truly 


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