Chapter 15

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Third Person P.O.V

" I'm fine when it comes to you." He said.

 ' EHHHHHH!!!!' You screamed in your head. ' I must be crazy. I must be! He did not said that! I must be dreaming.'

" Y/n? Are you okay?" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. " H-Huh? Yea! I'm fine." You said while laughing nervously. And he was smiling due to you being blank and he found that cute.

" We're here." He said, as you guys reached the school gate. You got off the seat and thanked him. Then someone called you.

" Y/n!!" Someone shouted your name. You turned around. " Oh. Good morning, Zaizen." You said with surprise because it's rare of him to meet you after the incident. " Can I help you, Zaizen?" You asked your senpai. " W-Well, we need another player after school. So, I was wondering if you could help us." He said. 

" Am I missing out anything? Zaizen-san?" Said the germaphobe." Oh, Aoyama. What are you doing here?" He asked his junior. " I just now parked my bike after picking Y/n up." he said. He suddenly had wide eyes.

" You picked Y/n up to school?!" He said with surprise. You felt kind of left out as they chatter about picking you up to school. " I'm sorry Zaizen. But, I have plans." You said that after remembering Odagiri's request. " With Aoyama?" He asked with jealously which you did not notice yet.

" No. With Odagiri." You said. Then both of them looked at you. ' Okay?? I'm weird out.' You thought. Then you walked to class since none of them are going to talk. You went to your seat, and started cleaning as Aoyama came into the class.

After you were done, you sat at your seat. You took out your Ipod and earphones and listen to F/M ( Favourite Music). Then only class starts.

- Timeskip to After School bc there is nothing else better to write-

 You pack all of your stuff and went to the basketball arena where Odagiri and her group is, after changing. As you went there, all you see was the arena, basketballs, benches and nobody else. ' I guess I'm early.'

You sat on the bench and listen to F/M while waiting for Odagiri. Then you felt someone's presence behind you and you turned around. " Oh, Odagiri you're here. I was waiting for you." You said that as you saw her. But you had a very weird feeling, a feeling where someone wants to kill your soul but all you do is shrug it off.

" Sorry to keep you waiting." She apologized as she put her stuff and changed her clothes. As she came back, you were warming-up. After 20 minutes passed by, there was one thing in your mind. ' Where are the others?' You thought to yourself.

" Um. Odagiri," She turned to you. " Yes, Y/n-chan?" You shivered as she said 'Y/n- chan'. " I-I was wondering.. W-Where are t-the others?" You said nervously because you're having a very weird feeling that something is coming. 

" Oh, they went to see Aoyama-kun. And they are leaving us alone. For now."


Soooo! I know you guys hate cliffhangers, so do I but! I'll continue later since I'm still dizzy and recovering from my mental illness. And thanks for being so patient! And I'm sorry if this is short.

- From Yours Truly

- Darcy.

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