Chapter 10

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I was shocked. Like heck. My cousin and Aoyama are friends. He met Aoyama after he left me.


Author's P.O.V

" Oni-san!!" said young teen Y/n. Seigo turned around and smiled at Y/n running towards him. " So where are we going?" " I'm sorry Y/n, but it's only me going somewhere." "What? Why?" said  confused Y/n. " It's for a soccer competition. So will you wait for me?" Seigo said with a sad smile. " Of course Oni-san! I'll always wait for you too comeback but not to long okay!" said the happy, cheerful Y/n. Seigo smiled, seeing Y/n by his side. Waiting for his return. He hugged Y/n before he left her with no one.

It was a year, she is still waiting for Seigo. She was always waiting, patiently with a smile. But he didn't came back. Her phone started to ring. " Hello?" said teenage Y/n. " Is this Y/F/N ?" "Yes, and you are?"  " That does not matter. Your cousin, Seigo Ibuki, will be going to Spain and will not be coming back." Those four last words, breaks Y/n heart. " Are you s-sure? I want to talk to him." "Here's sir.. Hello? N/n?" "Oni-san.. When are you coming back? I miss you." " I miss you too N/n. But wait for me okay. I take care off it. Now, this is my last time talking to you. So, listen to your parents and live well, okay?" "Don't say that! It makes sound like you're going to die." "I'm sorry N/n." Then the call ended. Tears flowing down her face.

-End of Flashback-

Y/n's P.O.V.

" So, why now?" said confused Y/n as she let go of the hug. " Because, I  retired just to see you, N/n." I was extremely happy. Then the bell rang. "You have to go, Oni-san." "I know. See you later, N/n and Aoyama." With that he left. Aoyama came to me with a smile. 

'My heart is racing. Ahh~ What am I going to do?' I thought. " Y/n?" "Yeah?" "You have a cute nickname, N/n." He said teasingly. I turned my head not letting Aoyama seeing my red cheeks. "Shut up." " So, I have a favor." he said. I turn my head to him after my face cooled down. "W-What?" "I have a favor to ask. So, can you do it?" I nodded my head. " I want to beat Seigo in a 1 on 1 match, tomorrow. So, I was wondering if you could make lunch for me." "Ehh?! W-Where are your bento then??" "It was taken by my parents.. They went to a business trip." "O-Okay."

.-.-.-.-.-.-.Next Day-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

I was making a bento for Aoyama. I was kind of happy. "GOOD MORNING N/N!" I jumped after hearing Oni-san voice. I turned and greeted him. "Good morning, Oni-san~." I said with a smile. Oni-san suddenly roll on the floor, jumped off the floor and pinch my cheeks. "What. Are you doing?" "I'm sorry it's just you're so cute!!! I wonder who will be the lucky guy to have you as his wife." "Umm.. Oni-san. It's too early for this you know that right?" "Yea, yea. But still though, you're so cute~" I was awkwardly laughing. Then he saw the bento. "So, you bring homemade food with you to school every day?" "Of course! I need a healthy diet. But mine it already done." "Then whose is it?" "Aoyama." He looked at me shocked. " So, you like him?" he asked with a teasing tone. "W-Well. Umm.. W-We're just friends okay! Go eat, the food is on the table." "Okay!"

- In school-

We arrived to school. When I meant we, it means Oni-san and I. We were greeted by Aoyama. " Good morning Y/n, Seigo-san." "Good morning to you too, Aoyama~." I said with a smile. I see a sudden pink blush on his face, which made me confuse. 'Is he wearing make-up? Wait, is he gay?!' I thought. " Hey Aoyama, you okay? You look like you wore make-up or something." said Oni-san. Aoyama turned to him with a ' bruh really' look. " O-Okay. So why not we head to class while you, Oni-san, look around or buy food then come back. Okay?" "Alright!" We both walked to class with light pink cheeks. Then as we arrived, we cleaned our properties and the classroom. As my spray bottle fell, I was going to pick it up but there was a hand over mine. I looked at the person's hand before it's face. Aoyama.. I felt heat rising. I quickly remove my hand and took the spray bottle as he pass it to me. After our faces turned to our normal skin color, we studied. 

- The match-

So, now everyone was shocked and there around the football field. Aoyama's fans screaming, Odagiri's cheering and his teammates. "Wish me luck, N/n." "Sure,Oni-san." I smiled but little do we know that Aoyama was feeling something weird.


Hey guys, so here's the other update! So, ya. I hope you guys enjoy!

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