Chapter 6

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~ Previously~

" I think I have a crush on Aoyama."


They look at me surprised and... happy?? Then they started laughing. "What's so funny?" "We already know that." "W-What?! D-Does h-he know?!?!" "Woah! Cool your jets, we know it because you been closer to him more than anyone did. And cried because he was with Odagiri." "Shut Up!" "What? It was true though." Then we suddenly talk about random things but was mostly their relationship.

- Time skip-

I was sitting down at my seat when someone called my name. "Hey Y/n!" I turned around and saw Gotou. "Oh, hey Gotou. Where's Umeya?" "He's at the soccer field, and you're late for practice. " "Oh, sorry about that. Let's go then. " As we went to the field, everyone was just warming up and playing with the soccer ball. As I was just drinking some water, I noticed that Aoyama isn't here. I suddenly spaced-out for the entire practice.

"Y/N, GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!! Y/N! " Then I realized that I spaced-out, and Gotou got worried to death. "Huh? What happened? " I was still on the same bench where I was sitting earlier as like right now. " You spaced-out. And missed some of the practice, Gotou was worried to death." "Oh, sorry Gotou, Umeya. I suddenly got-" " Hey. You alright?" I saw Aoyama, just right in front of me. INFRONT OF ME! "Y-Yeah.. So is there still practice going on?" "Yeah, later. After school, I'll see you in class. Bye." "Bye. " As it was lunch time, I told the couple that I wanted to eat alone and they agreed since Gotou and Umeya were going to do lovey-dovey stuff. As I was eating in the classroom, alone. Since there's no one in the classroom. Suddenly I heard the door opened. "Hey, it's that girly. " I turned and saw a couple of guys from a different class. "Hey why so lonely? Come to us, daddies. " I rolled my eyes away, packed my lunchbox, took my bag and walked away but someone grabbed my wrist, threw my lunchbox and covered my mouth. I tried to break free from their presences but they were too strong. They dragged me to the janitor's room, I was scared and my whole body was shaking as they smirked evilly. "Time for some fun." "HELP!! "  As I looked down, someone came in and knocked them out.

"Y/n,  you okay? " I looked up and saw Zaizen. I suddenly hugged him 'cause I was scared. "Woah Y/n, chill. Let's get you to Umeya and Gotou." As he carried me on his back to the rooftop where Umeya and Gotou were, Aoyama started following us after giving a lunchbox to Odagiri. As we reached to the rooftop, Umeya and Gotou saw us in shocked. They saw my red-puffed, teary eyes and heavy tears rolling down my cheeks.

Umeya and Gotou thanked Zaizen for saving me from a bunch of creeps but Zaizen still wants to stay beside me. I finally relaxed after 10 minutes. I felt so comfortable around Zaizen who just being patient- wait, Zaizen is acting different today. After Umeya and Zaizen went to find the guys who attacked me, Gotou was by my side the entire time. "*stomach growls*" Gotou was looking at me then she laughed. Her laughter always makes me happy, then I laughed too. But it reminds me of someone. Who was always there for me, who was like an older sibling but it left me to go somewhere else. All I have now is Umeya, Gotou and... Aoyama.

Then Gotou left me alone because she had to go to the washroom, I was thinking maybe I should learn how to dodge their attacks and moves. Then someone sat next to me. " Well, Gotou you're b-" I saw Aoyama sitting beside me. " Hey Y/n~." "H-Hi Aoyama. What brings you here?" "I just want to be here with you, only you." "Okay- wait, w-what?!" I felt my face getting red so I turned. "Um.. A-Aoyama?" "Hm?" I turn to face him, he was giving me a warm smile. ' Is the dream? If it is please don't stop! His smile is killing me!!' "U-Uhhh... Why do you want to be with me and not with Odagiri?" "Because I don't to see you lonely. And by the way.. Here." He passed me a lunchbox. "Umm.. Is it yours?" "Yeah.. But you can have it- *stomach growling*" He had pink blushes on his cheeks and wide eyes. I giggled, and said. "Why not we share?" Giving a warm smile. Then someone came to the roof, " Master- who are you.."


Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I didn't update the story sooner. I was really busy with homework and other stuff like more stories you guys like to read. And please comment below what fanfic you guys want me to write but it might take time to wait. I'll try my best to update once a week if I can't, then I'll try to write a special chapter. So please follow and vote! Out of the harsh and into the mellow!

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