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Jinyoung was quiet. He never shared anything that's he didn't have to. People didn't hear him raise his voice or do anything wrong. He's never been in a argument, he's always done what he was told and does it well.

He had dreams like everyone else, he wanted to pursue something he was comfortable in and loved. He had a goal he wanted to achieve, but his family didn't care.

Jinyoung's family is very high class, his grandfather being a CEO to many businesses in China, Thailand, Korea and The US, his father and mother working in the biggest hospital in Korea, his older sisters being a lawyer and also a CEO; Jinyoung had to meet those high standards.

He didn't have a choice.

In school he was treated of that high class but he wanted to be treated normally. Despite being known in school, he was often alone; he prefers it that way anyways as he didn't have to talk when he didn't want to. Jinyoung didn't look for friends let alone a lover.

After sitting all his exams, his father made him apply to a elite international university to continue his education into medicine. Jinyoung was very smart, he has no room for distractions so he just hit the books all the time. Although he could do medicine and succeed in that life, that wasn't what he wanted to spend his life doing. One thing Jinyoung loved (other than music) is children. Being the youngest in his family meant that he wasn't around children but when he would pass one on the way to school he would coo at their cuteness.

He wanted to open a nursery but he knows that it will stay as just a dream as his father wouldn't even think of letting him do anything else other than medicine.

Jinyoung hasn't had a choice of his own in his whole life, from what he eats to where he can go, from what he wears to what he can do in the future. They even plan to get an arrange marriage for him after he gets his degree but they didn't know he preferred men than women.

Jinyoung kept thinking about it in class today and had had enough with the way his life was and wanted none of this so that day after school, he planned to finally say what he has to say to his father, if he didn't do it today with this confidence being there, then he will never do it.

He thought

"It has to be today".

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