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A/N: happy new year everyone!!! <3 continue to support my story and I hope you have a great year


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Yugyeom was so drunk, he knew he shouldn't of have trusted Jackson, something was fishy; never the less he started to enjoy the party. Him and Jackson hit the dance floor and try make some moves on some girls before heading back to the bar to get more alcohol.

Yugyeom could barely even walk

As they sat at the bar, 2 girls approach the boys, the 2 most known girls in school for 'hoeing around' Sana and Momo. Jackson almost jumped out his seat out of excitement, he's fucked almost every girl in school but not them


Yugyeom also licked his lips, he couldn't deny that they looked smoking hot in those tight dresses, maybe he did want a piece of that

"Hey boys~ enjoying the party?"

Jackson stood up

"Of course, the party is great, but with you here, it got even greater"

Jackson runs his finger along Momo's face, giving her a seductive look. She giggles and gives into Jackson's flirting. Although Yugyeom is drunk, he's still shy and didn't look up from his drink until he heard his name being mentioned

"Hey Sana, my best bud here Yugyeom needs to get laid, can you hook him up?"

Yugyeom looked at Jackson furiously, what the hell could Jackson be thinking. Sana looked over at Yugyeom and shyly smiled, Yugyeom wanted to cuss Jackson out but he was gone with Momo to do God knows what and now he's left here with Sana


Jinyoung had reached home from school, he enters the door and is immediately attacked my maids wanting to 'assist' him even though he is perfectly capable of doing it himself. After being bombarded, he is pushed into the kitchen for a snack before dinner but he wasn't hungry. He was still forced to eat it, making him throw up after being allowed to go to his room.

Jinyoung laid his bed, waiting for his parents to get home, he kept thinking on how he will phrase what he wanted to say so he can get it all out without being interrupted. Jinyoung was done with this lifestyle, you would think that after years of living this way he would be used to it but he hated it so much, he has had enough

He wanted a say in his life, he wanted to live for himself and no one else, he wanted to be


He fell asleep after thinking so hard and is being awaken by one of the maids,

"Sir, your parents are home and dinner is served, your father wants you down at the dinner table now"

It's time

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