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They both sit in the medical room as they didn't want to wake Mi Jin just yet. Jinyoung stayed and made BamBam help out with the kids with Youngjae as punishment for slacking off

It was silent, so silent you can hear a pin drop. They both looked around the room, avoiding eye contact as it was very awkward. Jinyoung was sat playing with his fingers, Mi Jin was mentions some things earlier that he wanted to ask about but he wasn't sure whether to ask or not

He does anyways because he's intrigued

"Uhm Mi Jin said some things earlier~

Yugyeom looks up at Jinyoung in curiosity

And I wanted to ask you about it if that's okay?"

Yugyeom smiles at the shy guy in front of him, he was too adorable

"Sure, that girl is too honest for her liking"

They both chuckle

Yugyeom recognises that chuckle, it sounds so familiar and it's annoying him that he can't pin point where it is from.

"Well first she said that she is hyper and happy because her dad is sad and moody-


And she said that she doesn't know her mother and you're single so she feels like you are sad"


"She also said......

Yugyeom stares at Jinyoung's reddening face, before he could say anything, they hear a groan and shuffling

They both look over to see Mi Jin waking up


Yugyeom reaches for her and picks her up. He hugs her with all his might and gives her lots of kisses on her face which makes her giggle

"I'm glad my baby girl is okay"

"Mr Park took care of me, fed me, fixed my arm and sung to me daddy!"

Yugyeom looks at Jinyoung who's face is still red and smiles

"Daddy you should make Mr Park a star!! His voice is soooooo good"

They both laugh at Mi Jin

"Mi Jin, it's okay, I'd rather take care of you and the other kids"

"Be my new mummy!!"

Silence feels the room and Yugyeom laughs nervously. They both thought it was best for them to head off and Jinyoung to get back to teaching. Jinyoung waves them both off at the entrance until they drive away. He sighs and walks back to the classroom

"What a day"

Jingyeom is slowly forming. What do you want to see next, 2jae? Or the three-way jrelationship that will happen between MarkSonBam? Or more development of Jingyeom?

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