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It's the next day and they have just had lunch at the daycare so it was playtime again. Mi Jin is looking for a friend to stay with but it seems that everyone already has friends, she keeps looking until she spots a quiet kid in the corner reading a book and not playing with everyone else.

She approaches the quiet boy loudly and cheerful and she introduces herself to him. The boy looks shy but gives her a small smile and introduces himself too but quieter and they end up reading together.

Jinyoung watches from a far and smiles as it reminds him of when he met Youngjae for the first time

(Flashback 4.5 years ago)

Jinyoung left his hotel room and headed to the library to relax and read since he had no access to his own personal library and he couldn't go home

He scanned the shelves to find a good book and when he did, he seated himself in a isolated corner from the main library. As he continued to read in absolute peace, he sees a face slowly closing into him, 2 beady eyes staring at him and Jinyoung looked up and jumped from the sight. Roars of laughter is heard from the human and Jinyoung is genuinely confused; did he miss the joke?

"HAHAKEKE, your reactions are great, can I sit with you?"

Jinyoung nods slowly and moves up to make space for him then he gets back into his book.

"Hey......hey.......hey scaredy cat"

Jinyoung looks up at him with a straight face, he didn't come here for this


"I'm Youngjae by the way"

"Uhm yeah okay"

Jinyoung turns back to his book and try's to start reading but before he could finish one sentence, he heard the Youngjae guy calling him again


"What's your name?"

Jinyoung looks at this cheerful guy, isn't it unnatural to be this happy and talkative? He sighs and replies with his name

"Ooo okay Jinyoung soooooo tell me about yourself"

"What is there to tell?"

Youngjae frowns slightly and watches as Jinyoung continued to read his book

"Okay I'll tell you about myself then you go after, you seem to be more of a listener than a talker"

So Youngjae explained his whole life to Jinyoung in less than 2 hours. Jinyoung couldn't ignore the boy for long so he closes his book and tunes into what the boy has to say as he thought this would be the first and last time they will meet; Jinyoung was so wrong.

They met almost everyday from that point, Jinyoung warmed up to Youngjae eventually and explained his situation too. Other than that boy 'that night', Youngjae was the first to know about his situation, to which Youngjae pitied him.

They met up outside the library and got each other's contact details too. The person managing the hotel had to kick Jinyoung out, no matter how much he could pay, he needed the room for other guests. Jinyoung packed his things and waited outside, it went from being cloudy to rain and all of Jinyoung things were getting ruined, so he showed up on Youngjae's footstep of his house,


He's never shown someone that vulnerability except from 'that night', Jinyoung didn't want anyone to see him weak and vulnerable but that thought went out the window as he stood in front of other male. Youngjae was very shocked at seeing his friend in this state and let him into his studio apartment. He eventually became Youngjae's roommate and best friend too.

I've included both past and present but I chose this picture

But if you have any questions or anything you want to see, let me know ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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