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Jinyoung hangs up the phone as quickly as he could, his heart couldn't take anymore.

His voice,

Why did it make him feel that way, why did it sound so


Only one boy has made him feel like that and that was for that one night. Even if it was just one night, that one night changed his life, that boy changed him. He wouldn't be doing what he wanted if it wasn't for that boy. He can't remember the boy's features well but he does remember that he does have a funny way of giving advice

"Who cares what your parents think! Yeah sure they raised you but you have live for yourself and not for them, what's the point of your mum pushing you out into to this world (literally) for them to control you, it's not fair"

This made Jinyoung laugh a lot from a small chuckle to a big throaty laugh, Jinyoung had never let himself go before until that night. He even had a habit of covering his mouth when laughing but the boy pulled his hands away to allow him to laugh freely, like he helped to pull away the chains that held his reserved personality and released him.

Of course Jinyoung could never forget that night when he first felt


Even if that meant that he was gay, he was okay with that.

'Only if he could contact that person again' he thought.

He saves Mr Kim's number and gets ready for bed.

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