I ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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Jinyoung arrives back his own small apartment after another long day at the daycare. He slowly gets relaxed as he changes into comfortable clothes, cooks some pasta and grabs his favourite novel to read; that's how Jinyoung would spend his evenings.

He was trying to get into the novel but his mind kept flicking back to earlier and when Mi Jin's father hugged him. Jinyoung knew he was searching for comfort but his heart was still beating so fast and couldn't help but feel nervous.

Jinyoung was never a person that liked skinship but he allows it now because he gets it from the kids everyday. However skinship from a child and skinship from a adult is two different things so it felt foreign to him. Jinyoung felt so warm in his embrace, inhaling his sweet but masculine scent, it was a new experience for him but he felt comfortable like he's done it before.

As he gets up to wash up the dishes, his phone buzzes. He picks it up to check what it is:

Mr Kim
I can't thank you enough for taking care of Mi Jin, I would like to repay you by inviting you over for dinner tomorrow, if you don't mind, Mi Jin would love to have you here

Jinyoung read the text message from Mr Kim and was shocked but honoured, he couldn't say no to food and having company for one night would be nice since Youngjae is busy with his fiancé and BamBam is busy being a camboy, so he took the offer.

After moving out of Youngjae's apartment 2 years ago he got used to being alone again but not completely, Youngjae would mostly stay with his boyfriend who Jinyoung met a couple times and when he would come to visit Youngjae he felt as if he was intruding so he felt that it was time to leave and get his own place. Jinyoung was a little envious of the relationship and wanted one of his own but wanted to wait for fate to do its work.

Mr Park (Mi Jin's teacher)
Sure I would love to, thank you, goodnight Mr Kim

Yugyeom sighs in relief, he would finally be able to talk to Mr Park about what was on his mind. Ever since he's met him, he's been giving off signs of someone he once knew and Yugyeom needs to know if it's him; Maybe by chance they could reunite again.

Yugyeom replies with an okay and goodnight and gets Mi Jin tucked into bed. He crouches next to her bed and gives her a kiss.

"Daddy is Mr Park coming over?"

When Yugyeom nods she gets hyper and happy but her father calms her down

"Daddy are you happy too?"

Yugyeom looks at his tired daughter, remembering what Mr Park told him, he felt bad that his daughter had to see that side of him; he always wanted to be happy for her.

"Of course I'm happy, I have you in my life whom I love so much"

Yugyeom gives her a big hug and one more kiss before leaving her to sleep

"Goodnight my baby girl"

Before the dinner chapter, I want to do a little chapter or two on 2Jae and MarkSonBam to get them going as I have plans for them too

Thanks for reading <3 :)

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