J ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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"Babe I'm home!"

Jaebum walks into his shared home. He takes off his leather jacket, kicks off his converses and heads to the beautiful smell from the kitchen which also had a beautiful voice coming from there too.

Jaebum looks to see his fiancé serving their dinner, hips swaying and singing to '내게' one of Yugyeom's composed songs. Jaebum couldn't help but smile, he's lucky to have Youngjae in his life, he can't imagine life without him.

It was obvious that Youngjae didn't hear Jaebum come in so he was startled to feel hands snake around his waist and a head buried in his neck inhaling his scent.

"You smell sweet mmm"


Youngjae hits Jaebum and turns to face him, only to see a smirk on his face. Jaebum traps Youngjae in between his arms and gives him a kiss.

"How was my baby's day?"

Youngjae giggles and blushes, he can never get over Jaebum's affection for him. He pushes Jaebum away to continue with dinner

"Let's talk about it over dinner"


After dinner, they both sit in their living room catching up on a drama they haven't got to watch yet. Jaebum is stroking Youngjae's hair as he lays in his lap and they both listen in on the TV.

"Yugyeom has been stressed lately"

Jaebum openly speaks from his mind

"Isn't he always stressed Bummie?"

Jaebum sighs

"No it's more than usual, I'm worried"

Youngjae hums in reply as his mind runs on his co-worker Jinyoung, he's been all over the place himself and he hasn't got a chance to talk to him.

"Bummie I'm gonna call Jin-hyung, I'll be upstairs"

Jaebum nods in response and gets back into the show while Youngjae heads upstairs. He grabs his phone from the bedside table and clicks his contact

"Hey Jinyoung! What's up?"

"Ah Youngjae I'm okay, how are you?"

Youngjae waves off Jinyoung's question, he wants to get to the point

"Jinyoung what's been going on, you haven't been yourself lately"

Jinyoung sighs from over the phone then explains what has happened from the last few day and how he feels about it

"Do you think it's him? Are you sure Jinnie?"

"No I'm not but I'll find out tomorrow"

Youngjae squeals in excitement, if it's true then Jinyoung would be reunited with his first love (which Jinyoung hasn't admitted to Youngjae yet)

"Hey Hyung!, if it's him what will you do?"

Jinyoung sighs

"I don't know, I'll just be so happy to find the person who change my life Youngjae"

Well this chapter gives a big hint to how the dinner will go, next chapter will be Markson just to introduce the couple

Thank you for reading my lame book <3

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