Y and Z ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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(Time skip)

Youngjae and Jinyoung sit in their room, getting ready for the big day. Youngjae applies his lip balm and makes sure his eyeshadow is okay too. Jinyoung turns Youngjae around to face him

"You are getting married I can't believe it!"

After the pregnancy reveal, a couple weeks later, Jaebum had the courage to finally put the wedding ahead and get planning to make him officially his husband. Now after months of arguing, sleepless night and planning, it's finally the day that Jaebum and Youngjae gets married.

"I know... my high school crush is now going to be my husband, I'm a lucky guy"

Youngjae smiles and rubs his 9 month old stomach as the baby was kicking

"I'm not the only lucky guy, Mr Kim..."

"Shush, you are just speculating, we are still just dating right now and we are both loving it okay?"

Jinyoung blushes. To think about how he met his first crush from all those years back and now he finally has him, it's almost like a fairytale, it makes him so happy.

"How little miss Im in the tummy?"

"She's good, I'm starting to get more back pains but I have Jaebum to massage me later so it's good, the doctor says she's healthy and I shouldn't stress too much"

Jinyoung places his hands on his stomach to feel her kicking

"Can I help you with name choices? I have a cute one in mind"

Youngjae smiles

"Of course, me and Jaebum suck at names, there are too much choices"

"I was thinking Chaeyoung, Im Chaeyoung"

Youngjae started clapping

"What a beautiful name Jinyoung, I love it haha~ this is why I need you in my life"

As both men talk about their relationships and the baby, Jackson pokes his head into the room

"Y'all it's almost time, we will come and get you guys in 10 so be ready"


As the door shuts, Youngjae sighs and holds Jinyoung's hands.

"Thank you for being my friend, no not friend but my brother. You've been there for me through thick and thin, I don't know how you put up with my loud ass but, thank you so much and I love you"

Jinyoung sheds a tear and hugs Youngjae with all his might (being careful of the baby in the oven) and smiles back

"You're welcome, I don't regret meeting you, you are a special person and you have a lovely fiancé soon to be husband and a beautiful baby girl on her way, your life is perfect and I'm glad to be a part of it"

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