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Yugyeom walks into the park and sits himself under a huge tree. He leans himself against the bark and takes a deep breath, he was trying to sober up so he could actually think what he can do now because he knows tomorrow at school it would be hell. Yugyeom stares into the dark sky which held nothing but a few sprinkle of stars, there was nothing else he could do but get lost into the wonders of the atmosphere.

As he was dazing off, he began to hear sniffles from the tree. Now Yugyeom knows he drunk but he wasn't on drugs so he knew that a tree couldn't be crying. He tries to ignore but still hears sniffing so his curious mind tells him to look around the tree and when he does, he sees a boy holding his knees to his chest and head resting on top of his knees sniffing and whimpering.

Yugyeom felt bad seeing someone in that state, he decides to sit next to the boy and asks him if he's okay but no response comes from the boy.

"It's okay if you don't want to speak, I'll stay to keep you company"

So they both sit leaning on the tree listening to the wind blow and the leaves rustling, nature's ASMR. After a while the boy lifts his head and wipes his tears then takes a deep breath. Yugyeom looks at the boy next to him

'He's from school, that rich boy but he's so quiet'

Yugyeom thought as he looked at him

'He's beautiful though, I've never look at him properly'

Jinyoung also looks to see the voice that approached him moments ago but has a mini heart attack when seeing who it is

'Shit someone from school, and it's Yugyeom too, no doubt he's gonna spread this everywhere, he's so popular and handsome but I couldn't even reach his level'

They both stare at each other until it became uncomfortable then Yugyeom makes the first move

"Why are you here?"

Jinyoung looks back down at the grass below him, remember the fresh and sore events that occurred not too long ago, he doesn't know if he's ready to speak about, maybe not to anyone because it's not like they would understand

"I know you are not a speaker Jinyoung but it would help get a lot of your chest if you speak about it, I'll listen"

Yugyeom gave him a small smile, trying to encourage him to speak. Speaking in general was pushing Jinyoung outside his comfort zone, he spoke when he had to but when it came to himself or speaking about what he wants, it was hard for him, no one cared about how he felt anyways so it was easier just to be quiet altogether. Now Jinyoung is sitting with someone who generally cares about why he is sad and it's foreign to him

"I ran away from home..."

Yugyeom looks at Jinyoung who has decided to tell him but he wasn't going to be okay with that answer, he wants the whole story

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