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Jaebum and Youngjae head to the hospital for Youngjae's appointment. They wait for his name to be called in the waiting room, Jaebum holds on to Youngjae's hand tightly, he prays that Youngjae is okay.

"We've been using protection right?"

Youngjae turns to Jaebum and whispers, Jaebum turns and nods with assurance

"I'm 99.9% sure babe don't worry"

Youngjae knew Jaebum wasn't ready for kids, in fact they have never spoke about it, their parents always hinted at it but when they are alone, it never came up. Jaebum isn't the biggest fan of children so going to the daycare really put Jaebum off. On the other hand Youngjae loves children, he could have 8 and be happy but that's difficult because of Jaebum. Youngjae wonders if it would be different if they had their own instead of thinking about other people's children, he hoped so, he really wants children with him.

"Mr Choi!"

They both stand up and head to the room.

"Mr Im, I'll be running tests on Mr Choi, we will call you when we get the results"

So Jaebum heads back to the waiting room and Youngjae heads in to get the tests. They complete most of the tests, it wasn't food poisoning or a virus so they had to check for one thing

"Mr Choi, could you please pee on this and bring it back"

The nurse hands him a pregnancy test. Youngjae starts to break out in a cold sweat

"I know I'm not pregnant, can we try something else?"

"Mr Choi, please comply, you never know"

Youngjae sighs and heads to the toilet to take the test. Five minutes later it shows what Youngjae didn't want to see


"Mr Choi, please calm down, we will take an ultrasound just to be sure"

Youngjae is about to burst out in tears as he lays back on the bed, he bites his lips and closes his eyes tight, he wanted to believe that it's a dream but it wasn't. The nurse lifts Youngjae's clothes and squeezes the gel on his tummy.

"Please relax Mr Choi"

Youngjae takes deep breaths and slowly tries to calm down and the nurse checks to see if they can see the baby.

"There, can you see, you are 3 weeks along now, the baby is developing healthily too, congratulations Mr Choi"

Youngjae shakes his head

"I don't want it, please abort it"

The nurse began to feel concerned

"Don't you want to tell your boyfriend Mr Choi, I'm sure he would love the news"

"No no, please nurse, when he comes in here, tell him it's a small stomach ache that will pass or something please"

Youngjae starts to weep at the nurse, he didn't want Jaebum to know, at least not yet, maybe he wanted to get rid of it without telling him.

"Okay, but you have a week to tell him then you can come back if you really want to abort the baby Mr Choi"

"Thank you thank you"

Youngjae was a little relieved and lays back as the nurse heads to get Jaebum. Jaebum rushes in and kisses Youngjae's head

"He's okay right?"

"He will be okay, just a minor stomachache, we will prescribe some pills to him to take and it should clear up within a weeks time"

"Oh thank god"

Jaebum could breath again, that his fiancé was okay. Jaebum gives him another kiss and helps him get up

"I'll grab the medication, stay here babe"

Jaebum runs out to grab the item and whilst he's gone, the nurse tucks something into Youngjae's pocket

"Those are the ultrasound pictures, keep it"

Youngjae gives a small smile and thanks the nurse. As soon as Jaebum came back they left the hospital, Youngjae leaving with a heavy heart.

So Youngjae is pregnant, what do you think he should do? Will he tell him or just get it aborted? Thank you for reading <3

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