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☆A/N: A small filler 2Jae chapter but is cannon to the story, this happens a week before the dinner, enjoy!

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A/N: A small filler 2Jae chapter but is cannon to the story, this happens a week before the dinner, enjoy!

Jaebum gets back from the studio quite late from finishing up some upcoming tracks. He feels bad for leaving his fiancé at home by himself but if he didn't finish it today then he wouldn't of done for a while. Youngjae always appreciated other people's company and hated to be by himself for long, he gets lonely and bored which makes him feel depressed.

He closes the house door and takes off his shoes and jacket. After getting those off he starts to look around for Youngjae as he didn't receive his usual hug he gets when he comes home, it was weird.

He looks in the living room and kitchen but no sign of him. So he checks their bedroom and there he is laying on their queen size bed, fast asleep with a huge bunny plushie in between his arms; Jaebum coos at the sight. He slowly walks over to his love and strokes his hair back as it had fallen on his face, all Jaebum sees his beauty, it hasn't changed, from the first time meeting Youngjae till now, he could never get over his beauty.

Jaebum heads to shower and when he comes out after a while, water dripping down his body, his future husband decides to wake up and stare at Jaebum's perky ass

"Maybe I should top one day Jaebum, look at that ass"

Jaebum is startled as he assumes Youngjae was asleep and blushes at the comment, only Youngjae can make him blush.

"Shush Youngjae before you get punished"

Jaebum turns back around to search for clothes but Youngjae decides to challenge

"Smack me Daddy"


Jaebum warms him

"But baby has been naughty, I want daddy to punish me"

Jaebum lowly growls at Youngjae's request, his soft cock slowly hardening at the thought of Youngjae spread out under him.

"Keep begging baby"

Jaebum turns to look at Youngjae and as he thought, Youngjae was on all fours with his ass up in the air shaking it about.

'Such a tease'

"Baby wants daddy's big hands on his bum, slap me daddy"

That was the final straw before Jaebum grabs and flips Youngjae around to lay on his back and attaches their lips together. The kiss is passionate and rough, both of them craving each other's touch and taste. Jaebum slowly starts to grind his hard-on on top of Youngjae's growning bulge which gets a small moan from him in return.

They keep kissing, taking each other's breath away until Youngjae feels bile coming up from his stomach. He pushes Jaebum and sits up before running to the bathroom, covering his mouth. Jaebum was confused and scared, his sexual arousal long forgotten, and follows Youngjae to lead him to the bathroom and gagging is heard from the younger. Jaebum enters the bathroom after hearing the vomiting stop and goes to comfort the sobbing man

"I don't feel well Bummie"

Jaebum cradles the younger in his lap and kisses his forehead

"It's okay baby, we will take you to the hospital okay?"

Youngjae weakly nods and cuddles into Jaebum's chest and they stay like that for a while before they both take a shower and heading to bed.

Thank you for 200+ votes! Keep voting and commenting, it really motivates me <3

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