P ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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Sana led Yugyeom to a empty bedroom at the party upstairs. She pushes Yugyeom inside the room and doesn't forget to lock the door. She turns to Yugyeom who stands near the bed and jumps on him as fast as possible and locks lips with him. The force makes Yugyeom fall back onto the bed and they continue their make out session

They make out for a while before Sana starts to rub at his hardening crotch which Yugyeom moans at while they kiss. She breaks the kiss and pulls off Yugyeom's jeans and boxers to leave his bottom half naked and sits in between his thighs to reach for his pulsing hard cock. Yugyeom hasn't been touched there by anyone else expect himself so he was sensitive. As soon as Sana grasps his now leaking cock, he jerks upwards at the touch. Sana teases him by licking at the head where pre-cum gathered and tongued the hole of the cock, Yugyeom wanted to cum just from this. He held on to Sana hair and look down at the teasing she was doing but Yugyeom didn't see a she, he saw a guy doing this to him and to Yugyeom he felt like he was in heaven.

Sana eventually puts her whole mouth on his cock and starts to give him a full on blowjob, it doesn't take Yugyeom long to cum after that. Sana swallows all of the semen that squirted out then heads back to Yugyeom's red and plump lips and makes out with him again, making him taste himself. Yugyeom was too far gone to notice.

Sana strips her clothes and settles on top of Yugyeom on his thighs, she couldn't care less about a condom and she sure she was clean ( even though she has slept with nearly every guy in school ) so she fingered herself with two fingers to get herself aroused. Yugyeom looked at Sana fingering herself but instead saw a guy above him opening his anal hole with thicker fingers. By the time Sana fingered herself open, Yugyeom was rock hard again and ready to go.

Sana shifted to Yugyeom's cock and slowly enters his cock in her wet, dripping pussy. Both parties groan in pleasure and Sana started to ride Yugyeom. Sana kept her pace and rested her hands on Yugyeom's chest as she fucked herself on his dick. Yugyeom was slightly sobering up by now and wanted to touch him (her) to help get him (her) off. Yugyeom stretches his arms and touches the chest of the other party but he realises as he goes to touch the nipples that he hears a high pitch woman's moan and feels boobs instead. Yugyeom's cums regardless due to the stimulation and Sana cums straight after. After Yugyeom comes down from his high, he pushes Sana off him and screams


Sana groans as she falls on the other side of the bed, Yugyeom (now almost sobered up) quickly realised his mistake and apologises

"I'm sorry, I-uhm.."

"What wrong yuggie-baby?"

Sana slowly sits up next to him

"I don't think I like girls"

"But you got a boner, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY, AM I UGLY?!"

"No it's not that you are pretty, it's just that I imagined you as someone else?"



"Go to hell you piece of shit, don't ever talk to me and forget this happened"

Sana quickly got back dressed and left Yugyeom naked in the room and crying, he didn't want to lose his virginity this way but the damage is done and now, the whole school will know, what will happen to his popularity, will he be able to forgive Jackson?

So much thoughts go through in his mind.

'I just need fresh air'

He thinks to himself so he gets dressed and exits the bustling party to head to the nearest park, not caring about Jackson or anyone else, he just wants to be alone.

Next chapter it will be Jinyoung <3

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