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A/N: Dark = Past, Bright = Present


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Yugyeom arrives at his home from picking up Mi Jin. They both jump out the car and head inside to see Jackson eating popcorn while watching TV in the living room, you couldn't hear the TV, just his high-pitched laughing.

Mi Jin runs straight into Jackson's lap, surprising him and the popcorn bowl drops and the kernels goes everywhere. They both turn their heads slowly to look at Yugyeom's reaction to the mess. Yugyeom just shakes his head and walks towards his room. As he walks he can hear them both giggling again and a smirk appears on Yugyeom's face; he can rely on those two clowns to make him smile at least, pushing his stress away a little bit.

A break wasn't really in Yugyeom's vocabulary as he raised Mi Jin on his own and plus running is studio too, stress always hit him and he would feel like to give up on everything but he can never forget what the boy said to him 'that night'

"It is hard to stick to something big, especially when it's hard to achieve but if you keep going and work hard, you will be rewarded and get to your goal"

Yugyeom smiles as he remembers the boy saying that to him, it seemed like a dream meeting the boy 'that night' almost 5 years ago, it was the first time he had felt what he sees between Jaebum and Youngjae,


He sighs as he can't remember the boy's face, he just knows how amazing stunning he looked and with bushy eyebrows like Rock Lee from Naruto. Something snaps him out his dazed mindset and that was his phone ringing. It was an unsaved number but he picks it up.

"Goodnight Mr Kim, it's Mr Park Jinyoung from the daycare centre"

Yugyeom got confused to why he is calling him at this time in the evening but before he could ask, Jinyoung explains

"Sorry for calling you this late but I was checking Mi Jin's application and wanted to check if the number given is correct"

That made sense. Yugyeom relaxes a bit and tells Jinyoung it's fine and that this is his personal number, which Jinyoung  replies with the same as he was using his personal phone to call Yugyeom. Yugyeom smiles a bit before sending Jinyoung off, telling him to rest as he should be tired; Jinyoung's responds with a small chuckle. Yugyeom has heard that chuckle before

"Could it be.."

"Well thank you and goodnight Mr Kim"

Before Yugyeom could say anything, the phone cuts off. Yugyeom wasn't sure if he was imagining things or if Jinyoung did chuckle like that. One thing he couldn't forget about that boy was his laugh, but he would cover his mouth with his hands. Yugyeom told him to stop covering his beautiful smile, he wanted to see it that night and that he did.

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