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Mi Jin was playing around outside on the monkey bars, when ever she got to the 4th bar, she would fall; that never stopped her. She is stubborn like her mother and keeps going and tries to complete it. She swings her hardest to reach the next bar but misses and falls really hard. Wails of crying are now heard and Jinyoung comes running to check on the child crying. Panic is evident in his face when he sees its Mi Jin

"Mi Jin-ah what happened?"

She continues to cry as she holds her left arm. Jinyoung looks to see it red and bleeding. He is quick to scoop her up and take her to the medical room in the daycare.


"There you go all better, are you okay now?"

"Yes Mr Park, thank you"

Jinyoung gives her a kiss on her forehead and heads towards the office to call her father, to inform him of the situation. To say Jinyoung wasn't nervous was a lie, he is shit scared, his heart is beating so fast, it's unreal. He enters and sees BamBam online shopping on the computer, which BamBam tries to hide by switching tabs but isn't quick enough..

"Jinyoung-hyung what's up, hehe"

He laughs nervously knowing there is a big chance Jinyoung will kick his ass

"BamBam, do your job and I need to make a phone call so be quiet"

"On it!"

Jinyoung sighs and dial the number, he presses the call button and puts it to his ear

"Aye~! This is great, Jackson this is amazing, we can release this next week, Sammy get the teaser to be posted by tomorrow"


Yugyeom and Jackson celebrate on finishing Jackson's 2nd full album, they popped the champagne and chill back in the studio


*Ring Ring, Ring Ring*

Yugyeom stops drinking and grabs his phone, he looks at the ID before picking up instantly, his heart started to get worried

"Hello Mr Kim, I'm sorry to disturb"

"No it's okay, what's up?"

Jackson wiggle his eyebrows at Yugyeom but he just waves him off and turns around.

Jinyoung tells Yugyeom what happened and Yugyeom got up instantly

"I'm on my way"

And cuts the phone


Yugyeom runs into the daycare and heads straight to the medical room where his child is currently sleeping on a bed and Jinyoung stroking her head, singing to her

"Wow his voice is beautiful"

Jinyoung is startled by Yugyeom's sudden appearance and stops his actions and starts to blush out of embarrassment

"Is she okay?"

"Let's talk outside Mr Kim"

They both exit the room and stand outside the door

"She is okay, just a scratch and a bruise but nothing serious"

"Oh thank god"

Yugyeom hugs Jinyoung really tight, Jinyoung was shocked by this action and slowly hugged him back, his arms slowly raise to wrap around his waist. They stay like this for a while, Yugyeom was just looking for comfort, he was scared of what happened to Mi Jin and thought the worst

"Thank you for being there, thank you so much-"

Yugyeom starts to choke up, he wouldn't know what to do if something happened to her, he loved her way too much

"It's okay, she's fine and I'm just doing my job"

Jinyoung starts to stroke his back and his hair to help him calm down, which it did, and slowly they both released the hug.
They both smile at each other and go back into the room to check on Mi Jin

Thank you for reading my book, sorry that I was gone for so long, I'll update this book a bit today and tomorrow so look out for it. Thank you for voting too, it's much appreciated :) <3

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