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A/N: Dark = Past, Bright = Present
Happy reading <3

As the movie continued on, Yugyeom couldn't focus on it, he couldn't believe his theory was correct, it was really Jinyoung. He kept looking to where Jinyoung sat, thinking it was a dream but it wasn't, he saw the same beautiful black hair, the same eye crinkles when he would smile or laugh, the same plump pink lips that no other man possessed, he just saw Jinyoung and he was so happy.

Yugyeom texts Jaebum to tell him the good news

Guess what?!?! I can't believe it

Was Jinyoung the Jinyoung you met from the park?

YES!! I'm so happy man, don't you remember that quiet boy that had rich parents and people never talked to him?

Yes! That nerd with black hair, that's Jinyoung? OMG and my loud husband has been friends with him the whole time?!

Yes! That's him, look man I have to go, I'll tell you the rest at the studio tomorrow and with Jackson too, TTYL man

TTYL dude

Yugyeom locks his phone and looks over at Jinyoung again but he's typing on his phone this time

'Must be work' he thought but Jinyoung is freaking out also

Youngjae!!! It's him, it was him all along!!!

Really?! Yay hyung I'm so happy for you!

Thank you, I was just washing the dishes and I asked his name and then that was the last puzzle piece needed and then...

And then what?

We kissed!! ASDFDHJD


Yes! And now we are watching a movie with his daughter, I'll tell you everything tomorrow, wanna meet at the cafe in town?

Yeah sure, at 10am no later

Says you that is always late! See you tomorrow xx

Yeah bye lover boy *eyebrow wiggles*


Jinyoung was in the same boat, he had so much questions to ask like why Yugyeom has a child and where is the wife. He was a little angry because he kissed him without thinking, what if his wife came in; why did Yugyeom even kiss back?

The movie has ended and Mi Jin was fast asleep leaning on Jinyoung in the sofa, she slept so peacefully. Yugyeom lifts her and carries her to her bed and Jinyoung follows behind. As Yugyeom settles her into bed, she wakes up slightly so he kisses her and rubs her head gently until she falls back into a peaceful slumber

"Goodnight Daddy"

Jinyoung watched this scene and felt as if he was almost intruding in his life, he seemed to have everything together and now with this discovery it's like he's pushing for a relationship which shouldn't be the case so before Yugyeom finishes with Min Ji, he gets his things to leave.

Yugyeom lightly closes his daughter's room door behind him and looks to see Jinyoung throwing on his jacket.


Yugyeom loud whispers to Jinyoung and speed walks over to him

"We need to talk"

Jinyoung wasn't listening, he grabs his phone and keys and is about to grab his shoes but Yugyeom stops him

"Where are you going?"

He holds Jinyoung's shoulder then moves his hands to his cheeks which Jinyoung flinched at. Jinyoung felt uncomfortable having this affection if there was someone in Yugyeom's life, he wanted it so bad, he craved it but he doesn't want to be the reason why his perfect life gets messed up. Yugyeom was puzzled to why Jinyoung flinched at his touched, they shared a heated kiss earlier

"What's wrong?"

Jinyoung looks up at him and tries not to show too much emotion and weakness from his eyes so he can push Yugyeom away a little

"Don't you have a wife or something?"


Jinyoung's eyes widen a little

"Okay...a girlfriend?"


"A boyfriend?"

Yugyeom groans at these unnecessary questions

"If I was in a relationship, I would do this?"

Yugyeom locks his lips with Jinyoung again but it was a different type of kiss, more gentle and loving, similar to the kiss they shared 'that night'. Jinyoung couldn't help but melt into his lips back, wrapping his arms around his neck and sucking on the plump flesh. They both forget where they are and reality as a whole, they just see each other and that's the only thing that matters.

After a while they slowly come to a stop and Jinyoung drops a tear from his eye

"I never thought I would see you again"

He hugs Yugyeom tightly and dips his head in his neck, Yugyeom wraps his arms around Jinyoung and kisses the top of his head

"I'll never leave you again"

They both let go and Yugyeom smiles at him

"So this talk, still up for it or are you going to ditch me?"

Jinyoung chuckles and starts to take off his jacket again. Yugyeom reaches for Jinyoung's hand and clasps it in his and takes him to his home studio so they can have a little chat.

Thank you for reading my book and 100+ votes that's so cool, thank you! <3

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