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Youngjae and Jinyoung meet at the local cafe near the daycare centre. The owner always make sure they are welcomed here as they take care of their son at the daycare.

The both enter and sit at their usual table by the window and the waitress orders their usual before they start their catch up

Youngjae: Strawberry shortcake and Milk Tea
Jinyoung: Victoria sponge and Latte

A/N: there will be quite a bit of dialogue

Youngjae wiggles his eyebrows at Jinyoung

"So...lover boy"

They both laugh out loud, Youngjae loves teasing his best friend

"It's not that far yet we were just catching up from years ago until now"

"And catching up means sucking each other's faces off Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung blushes and slaps Youngjae out of embarrassment then tells Youngjae how the conversation came about and how happy he was

"It felt like I was floating on clouds, I couldn't believe it"

Jinyoung told him how they went to his home studio and he sang for him

"The song I showed you last week that I was writing, I sang that and he loved it, he even wants to finish the song for me!"

Youngjae smiles at his best friend, he hasn't seen him this happy since they opened the daycare, he's even happier now, he was so glad. What put a damp in his mood was when Jinyoung asked about how he and Jaebum was

"We are good, everything is fine"

Jinyoung looked into Youngjae's eyes and saw nervousness and sadness

"What happened?"

Youngjae gave a small smile as tears ran down from his eyes

"I'm pregnant and I don't think Jaebum wants the baby"

"Why do you say that Youngjae?"

Youngjae explains about how Jaebum doesn't seem enthusiastic about having children and even when he goes to the daycare, he has a taste of disgust in his face.

"I don't know how he would react but I really want the baby Jinyoung, look"

Youngjae shows the ultrasound pictures given to him

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