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So Yugyeom and Sana were left alone at the bar. Yugyeom stayed quiet, playing with his drink while Sana just eyed him.

"So you really are a virgin, look at you being petrified like I'm going to bite you"

Yugyeom choked a little as he was drinking while she said that. Yugyeom turned to look at the cocky bitch before replying

"Why does that bother you, why are you even here? You can just go"

Yugyeom was frustrated, he just wanted to drink away the embarrassment and disappear, Sana had other plans. She got closer to the seated Yugyeom and stood behind him, she placed her hands around his neck and puts her lips to his ear and whispered

"I know you want me, don't push me away yuggie"

Yugyeom froze from the body contact, he hasn't been close to a human like this before. She licks his ear and her right hand falls to his lap to where his dick lied. She started to tease him by rubbing his package and sucking on his neck.

Yugyeom has watched porn before both straight and gay but he preferred gay more, he even fancied a pornstar for how handsome he looked and watched all of his videos so let's just say that the drunk male imagined a guy instead of the girl that was actutally kissing him and is now leading him through the crowd to find a vacant room.

Yugyeom was too drowned in alcohol to notice, all he know is that he's living out his fantasy and that he was about to lose his virginity to a sexy man

Jinyoung was seated on the table with his father, mother and one of his older sisters that had come to visit, she had just come back from China after making a deal with another business, success was flowing for her so they decided to celebrate over a three course meal.

After the starter, they sit to socialise and digest their food before moving on to the main course. Jinyoung was quiet, he didn't want to get involved with the conversation and he was preparing what he had to say to his father, he didn't want to mess it up.

After a little while, the main course is served, the family complimented the chef as they dug into their food. Jinyoung however was full and didn't want to eat anymore, he was still feeling a little ill from throwing up earlier and wanted to do it again so he stopped midway through his dinner.

His mother was the first to notice

"Honey~ why are you not eating"

Jinyoung looked up and saw his father also looking at him, he was going to answer but his could barely open his mouth before his father did

"Jinyoung eat your food, you are skinny enough as it is, you don't need to be even more skinny. It's hard to find you an arranged marriage when you are too slim, no one likes that so eat up"

Jinyoung looked down on his food, he really wanted to throw up and cry himself to sleep, but he kept sturdy face and nodded to his father before picking up his cutlery to eat again. His sister tries to change around the conversation by asking Jinyoung about school and if he is keeping up on his studies, which he was.

His father spoke up again, saying that he would be moving to a university abroad to complete his medicine degree and he's already starting to apply for them. Jinyoung got so frustrated, he didn't get to choose the school he went to, he wanted to stay in Seoul for university as he knew the place and felt comfortable. Disappointment could be seen on his face and his mother felt bad but unlike his father, he just shrugged his shoulders

"It's not like he has friends anyways, he's a lone wolf in such a vibrate city"

"Father, that is enough!"

XD enjoy

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