M ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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A/N: it will be switching back and forth from past to present, you will know by the picture <3

It's the end of another school day and Jinyoung is closing up the school before heading home, earlier he was told by Mi Jin's father to be at the house for 6:30 later today and was given the address. He is anxious but excited to have a little company tonight plus Mi Jin was a nice girl to be around so he didn't mind at all

(Time skip)

He arrives at his apartment to change into something more less casual so he puts on a white dress shirt, black trousers and some black shoes (A/N: I'm not good with fashion, just imagine what Jinyoung would usually wear if he was to dress himself). Before leaving his house, he calls Youngjae just to calm his nerves a little.

"Jin-Hyung!! Are you excited?!"

Jinyoung laughed, he swore there is never a time Youngjae isn't loud

"Yes I am but I'm also nervous, my social skills are zero out of ten and-"

"Hey, you made friends with me and BamBam, you will be fine hyung, have a great time, call me afterwards!"

"Alright bye"

And Jinyoung leaves his home

"Jaebum!! I burnt the food, what do I do?!"

Jaebum was laughing his head off at the nervous wreck, he's never seen him like this before, it was so amusing.

"Order something then, simples"

"But he'll be here in 7 minutes!!"

"Then tell him the truth, look I got to go, Youngjae can't wait anymore"

"Ew hyung, bye"

The 2Jae couple laugh at their friends

"They will work out, for sure"

"Daddy do I look nice for Mr Park?"

Mi Jin spins in a pink tutu skirt and sparkly pink and white top, topped off with a bow on her head

"You look great"

Yugyeom praises his daughter by patting her on the head and goes to throw out the food in the bin, his plans were ruined, he was so nervous he burnt the stir fry rice and the pork in the oven.

Yugyeom fixes himself in the mirror, fluffing up his hair, trying not to look too messy. Has he moved back from the mirror, the door bell rings. He opens the door and his eyes widen at the figure infront of him

"Wow uhm- I mean come in"

He steps aside to let Jinyoung in, he watches as he takes off his shoes and his jacket. Yugyeom then directs him to the living room where Mi Jin is dancing around being hyper as usual. When Mi Jin sees Jinyoung she stops, runs and leaps into his arms

"You are here!!"

Jinyoung and Yugyeom chuckle and they both sit in the sofa

"Daddy burnt the food"

Jinyoung looks at Yugyeom with a shocked face and Yugyeom nervously laughs, he disliked that his daughter just blurts everything out but it's happened anyways

"I'm going to order something in and-"

"I'll cook"

Jinyoung interrupts cheerfully, Yugyeom smiles at him

"That's nice if you to offer, thanks haha"

Jinyoung lifts Mi Jin in his arms and asks her to direct him to the kitchen. Mi Jin insisted on helping Jinyoung to give her father a rest as she tells Jinyoung that he is always stressed.

And so they get to work, meanwhile Yugyeom continues to sit in the living room trying not to freak out about this beautiful man in his house and how he's going to approach the problem at hand

"Could it really be him? *sighs*"

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