N ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

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A/N: I'm starting to hate this book, but I will keep writing. Also COMMENT guys, I want to talk to the handful of people who read this crappy book.


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Jinyoung finished up serving the food on the table and Mi Jin placed the cutlery on the table as well. While the two were cooking, Yugyeom fell asleep on the sofa, he had been writing music and pulled an all nighter so he was exhausted.

"Dinner is served!!"

No response


No response

Jinyoung puts Mi Jin to sit at the dinner table and goes to fetch her father who is hard of hearing. Jinyoung enters the living room and sees a sleeping human on the sofa, he approaches the body and bends down to face him. Jinyoung takes this opportunity to stare at his features, he never realised he was this good looking. Jinyoung his snap out his thoughts as he hears his name being said by the sleeping father

"Jinyoung, Jinyoung I miss you"

Jinyoung gasps and falls back on his ass with a red face. Yugyeom wakes up from the thud and the loud gasp and sees Jinyoung red face on the floor. Yugyeom becomes confused but sees Jinyoung scramble to his feet, mentioning that dinner is ready before rushing to the kitchen.


(Time skip)

They all dig into the food Jinyoung had made and it tasted delicious, Yugyeom groaned at every bite he took, he had no shame.

"I didn't know my cooking was that good"

Jinyoung chuckled listening to Yugyeom. He looks up at the cook and nods eagerly with Mi Jin joining

"Mr Park's food is the best!"

During dinner, Jinyoung helped himself to a drink but couldn't reach the glasses, he decided to stick to a plastic cup but he feels a body behind him reaching above him, getting a glass and passing it to him. Jinyoung turns his head to see Yugyeom looking at him with a smile

"You should of just asked"

Jinyoung felt more embarrassed and went back to his seat.

"Daddy I've never seen you smile like this, is it because of Mr Park?"

Yugyeom chokes on his rice for a bit before answering his inquisitive daughter.

"He is nice company plus he made great food-"

"Plus he's very pretty!! Right?"

Yugyeom looks at Jinyoung who is avoiding eye contact and smiles a little. Yugyeom wasn't sure if it's really him but either way, he really liked Mr Park

"Yes he is"

Jinyoung looks up instantly to Yugyeom, clearly embarrassed and tries to change the subject.

"Let's clean up now"

They all get up from the table and Mi Jin heads to the bathroom

"Make sure to brush your teeth, wash your hands and choose a movie for us Mi Jin"

"Yes daddy!"

Yugyeom turns to see Jinyoung picking up plates and starting to wash up. Yugyeom approaches behind Jinyoung and hugs him from behind which startled him

"Thanks for dinner, I can't keep calling you Mr Park, what's your name?"

Jinyoung stops with the dishes and turns to face the father


Yugyeom opens his eyes wide out of shock, he knew one Park Jin-young, the boy from that night, could it be?

"Oh my name is Yugyeom"

Jinyoung looks up at him in shock, the pieces slowly fell together and his eyes start to water

"Kim Yugyeom? Is it really you, the boy from the tree?"

He started to choke up and Yugyeom smiles at him

"Yes I'm that boy"

No words are needed, Jinyoung hugs him tightly, he couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Yugyeom hugs him back just as tight and runs his fingers through his hair. After a long hug, they let go and Jinyoung looks up at Yugyeom's face

"I I thought I would ne-never see you again and an-"

Yugyeom cuts him off with a powerful, needed kiss. Jinyoung responds and holds the sides of his face to intensify the kiss, it held so much emotions. Yugyeom lifts Jinyoung on the counter top, not breaking the kiss and holds his waist.

They eventually break the kiss, both out of breath, they both just stare at each other in the eyes; scared that they will wake up and it will all be a dream. Yugyeom strokes Jinyoung's sides and looks at him

"I never stopped loving you Jinyoung, I couldn't"

Jinyoung started to cry again, Yugyeom strokes his cheeks to wipe the fresh tears away and gives him a quick kiss again.

"I've chosen the film Daddy!"

Both men flinch as they forgot about Mi Jin and look at one another and smile. They both head to the living room to enjoy the film, hand in hand.

"Let's talk after Mi Jin goes to sleep"

Yugyeom whispers in Jinyoung's ear and he nods in response. They all get comfy in the sofa, ready to watch

"Cinderella?! Really Mi Jin?"

"It's my favourite film Daddy"

Jinyoung chuckles and squeezes his hands further

"We'll enjoy it Yugyeom, shhh"

And just like that they watched, sitting almost like a family. Mi Jin in the middle of the men and them holding hands behind Mi Jin's back.

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