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Jinyoung and Yugyeom settle in Yugyeom's home studio, it's small and comfy equipped with a small recording booth, a computer with all the correct equipment, a table and sofa and the back. They both head to the sofa to sit, Yugyeom sits and puts Jinyoung's leg across his lap, making him feel comfortable as Jinyoung laid on the sofa.

"So what have I missed Mr Park?"

Jinyoung gives a chuckle in response, it's been a while but they act like they spoke to each other yesterday (A/N: they did but not with these intentions). Jinyoung sighs and leans his head back as he fills Yugyeom in

"Well after the night my father took me from the park... he arranged for my placement in the medical university to be settled ASAP and he shipped me off the morning after. I spend about a year doing medicine before I dropped out because I was stressed, I didn't enjoy medicine..."

"You like children and music, of course"

Yugyeom fills in the end of the sentence, Jinyoung feels his heart swell to know that Yugyeom didn't forget what he told him all those years ago

"That's right, so when my father found out... he basically banished me from the family and erased me from his memory as a son... I'm sorry"

Jinyoung found it hard to speak and sits up to wipe the now falling tears from his eyes, he had pushed back these harsh memories for a long time and he never really got to heal from it, so it was just like putting salt in a wound; it wasn't nice

Yugyeom grabs tissues and places Jinyoung in his lap to help comfort him

"Don't apologise, I understand"

Yugyeom rubs Jinyoung's sides, mimicking his actions from the first time they met and it made Jinyoung feel so comfortable again; he was where he belonged, in Yugyeom's arms.

"We don't have to talk about it anymore, let's do something fun!"

Yugyeom places Jinyoung on his feet and he stands as well, Yugyeom then pushes Jinyoung into the recording studio and locks it

"I need you to record a song, I need to hear that voice of yours"

Jinyoung slightly panics, as he wasn't prepared and this is all so sudden but looking at Yugyeom's smiling face and watching him set everything up, he wanted to try for him

"Have you got any song in mind Jinnie"

"Started with the nicknames already, Yuggie?"

They both chuckle

"I have a song I have been writing on my phone, I could sing that but it isn't good"

"PERFECT! Let's go Jinyoung!"

Yugyeom presses the last key on the keyboard to make it start recording and waits for Jinyoung to sing

Jinyoung sings 'Firework'

As Jinyoung sang, Yugyeom's skin is filled with goosebumps, he loved Jinyoung's voice. His voice flowed like honey, so sweet, so good. Once he finished, Yugyeom applauded him

"Woo! That was amazing Jinyoung"

Jinyoung faintly blushes and heads to the door to be let out the recording booth.

"We could work on this song and I can help get it released too"

"Released? As in a actual single, I don't know Yug"

Jinyoung wasn't that modest, he knew he had some talent but leaving the daycare behind would hurt him, those children are like his own and he built up the daycare from the ground up, he wasn't ready to let go of that. Yugyeom read the unsureness on Jinyoung's face

"If you are not ready it's fine, we can still complete this song and I could use your voice for my demos too, think of it as a club or hobby"

Jinyoung felt a little relived hearing that, he was glad that Yugyeom had so much understanding.

After chilling for a while, sipping wine and just talking with jazz music playing in the background, Jinyoung had to go as it was late. He gathers his things (again) and puts his shoes on. Jinyoung turns to look at Yugyeom before giving him a long, gentle kiss, they both say their goodbyes and Yugyeom watches out the window while Jinyoung drives away.

I'm back! I have exams next week so I'll give you another 2 chapters before a small hiatus again, thank you for 2K+ reads and 200+ votes I appreciate everything, also leave some comments for me <3

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