The group stops by the side of the road. 10k takes his slingshot and shoots one of the z's walking down the road. Ace pulls out her slingshot and shoots the other one.
They both look at each other and chuckle lightly.
"Amish Zombies. Really? Really?" Addy says
"They tried to quarantine themselves from the rest of society. Keep the z's from spreading the infection." Garnett explains
"That was right before we knew Romero had it right. We were all carrying the virus. Didn't matter who you were or how you died." Mack says
Ace walks over to Addy and Garnett.
"Night of the Living Dead. Great movie, sucky reality. You know what I don't get, If the z's didn't spread the virus, how did we all get infected?" Addy asks
"Best guess I heard, it was spread by birds. Some kind of parasite piggybacked on the bird flu. Stays dormant 'till you die." Garnett says
"I heard it was rats." Ace adds for no reason
"You know, take it from somebody who knows first hand. Other than the fact that they find brains delicious, when it comes to zombies nobody knows nothin'." Murphy snarls
Warren comes back and Murphy goes to the bathroom next. Ace walks over and helps Mack with the engine.
"What were you before this again?" Mack asks her
"I already told you." Ace laughs
"Well tell me again. I forgot, okay?" Mack jokes
"Well at first I was a refugee in the military and a voluntary nurse and in high school, I took classes in electronics."
"Didn't you help with self-defense training?" Mack asks her
"That too."
The engine roars to life and they all climb into the truck. Ace climbs into the bed of the truck and leans on Addy. Her head rests in Addy's lap as she falls asleep.
10k stares at her as she goes from looking scary and stern to harmless in an instant.
"You have a staring problem." Addy points out
10k snaps from his gaze and looks up at Addy.
"What's to fascinating about her?" Addy asks
"Everything." He says back
🖤♠️ time skip ♠️🖤
Ace wakes up as the truck rolls to a stop. She springs up with energy and spots the orange buggy approaching them. She gets up and runs into the tree line.
"Where's she going?" Doc asks
10k gets up and runs to the opposite side of the road. He climbs into a tree and readies his rifle.
"Where's he going? Hey, kid!" Doc calls after him
The group piles out of the truck and starts piling the zs. Cassandra notices the chains on their feet. The orange buggy pulls up and some of the people pull out weapons. They were disguised as zombies.

Play Your Cards
Fiksi PenggemarAce, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...