Murphy's law

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The group drives down the road, Ace is in a deep sleep hoping to forget what had happened.

Ace wakes up as they pull up to a bridge.

"Hm? Where are we?"

"Golf course." Warren answers

They get out of the car and test to see how sternly a bridge is.

"Looks pretty solid," Warren says

"Hello, Delta-X-ray. Citizen z calling all cars, calling all cars." Warren's radio goes off.

"Delta-X-ray back to you."

Ace looks over they bridge as Murphy yells at Citizen z. She studies the area.

"How's Murphy?" Cz asks

"Murphy is pissed. Where the hell is that lab you keep talking about? And have you found that witch doctor that almost killed me? Doctor Merch." Murphy yells

"I'm still working on that," Cz says

"And you call yourself the NSA? Quit looking at porn and find that quack. We got business to settle." Murphy shouts

"Such a nice guy," Cz mumbles sarcastically

Zombies start to limp their way towards the group.

Warren and 10k shoot until they're out of ammo.

Ace points out some clubs to Doc and Cassandra. Ace takes out her bat and swings it at zs.

They run into the clubhouse for protection.

"Murphy?" 10k points out

Ace locks the doors.

"He's out there somewhere," Warren says

"Safer than us."

More zombies come from inside the bathroom. Doc and Warren swing golf clubs at them.

"10k, Ace, your slings," Cassandra says

"Yep," 10k says

The two take out their slingshots and fire golf balls at the approaching zs.

"Too many." Ace says

"This way!" Warren calls

They run into a dark bathroom. 10k turns on his flashlight.

"Ace check for z's." Warren orders

Ace walks over to the bathroom stalls. She kicks open the stall doors with her bat ready. She finally kicks open a door with a z on the toilet.

"Gross." Ace mumbles as the swings her bat at its head.

Just as she walks back, gunfire goes off from outside the door. She stops as soon as it starts and so does the growling.

"You can come out now." Someone calls

Ace takes out her brass knuckles and knives. She gets ready to fight.

"That was not Murphy." Doc points out the obvious

"It wasn't a z either." Warren says "All right, get ready."

Thy walk outside to see thee people. A girl, old man, and a middle-aged man.

"It's okay. It's all clear." The middle-aged man says

"Nice timing," Warren says

Ace prefers to keep her mouth shut, for now, in case she says something she not supposed to.

"Don't get too relaxed. There's still more outside." The girl says

"We got another guy outside too," Doc says

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