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The group lays in the deserted streets. They are all dehydrated from lack of water. The blaring heat.

They lay on the ground searching for any drop of water. Doc tries pissing in a bottle but no luck.

"I read once that you could drink your own urine. But all I'm pissing is dust." He says tossing the bottle aside.

Murphy walks around with pip in his step.

"Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there," Murphy says to Warren

"Why are you so freaking chipper?" Warren asks sluggishly

"I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz I consume my precious bodily fluids." Murphy says

"Or maybe you drink everyone else's water whenever you get the chance." Ace says

She is lying on her back with her arms spread out. Her hair is fanned across the asphalt and sweat beads across her forehead.

The ground starts to rumble

"What is that?" 10k asks "is it an earthquake?"

"More like a zombie quake," Doc says looking up

Ace rolls her head to the side to see a cloud of dust with possibly millions of zombies headed their way.

"Goddamn, things won't quit." Ace says annoyed, not sounding worried at all

"I suggest we run for it," Murphy says

He starts running away but no one else moves.

"Come on, people. Pick it up."

"I...We...can't. Dehydrated." Ace says

Murphy takes her by her arms and starts to drag her down the street. Ace protests but starts running anyway.

They run into a small abandoned building with a wooden door.

"This way!" Warren directs

They pile into the room with two men following them.

"Wait!" They call.

One of the men get tackled by a z but the other makes it in time. Warren mercies the man being eaten. They slam the door shut and hold it closed. Zombies bang on the door desperately trying to get in.

Ace collapses in the corner breathing heavily. Everyone else sits down in the room and catch their tired breath.

"So that's it? We're all just gonna lie down and die? Doc!" Murphy walks over and wakes up Doc

"Knock it off, Murphy," Warren warns

"Three days without water, man. The human body hits the wall." Doc says

"There must be thousands of them," Cassandra says looking out the window.

"Millions. They're migrating." The new man says.

"Migrating to where?" Warren asks

"South for the winter."

"Z's don't like the cold," 10k says who is face down on the floor.

"Kids got it."

The man goes on about how he got here and what happened with the horde.

The zombies start pounding on the door, causing the door to crack the slightest. Ace jumps at the sudden noise.

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