(QUICK QUESTION, any questions you want answered about Ace?)
While Red and Ace got into their fight, Warren found out what her visions were all about. The "Black Rainbow" was a weapon of category four. It is "the reset." Zona wanted to use this to start over. And now, they need the thumbprint of the president.
The group had made their way to Mt. Weather.
"This is it." Ace clarifies. "Mt. Weather."
"If Kaya's right, the president is still here." Warren says
Everyone slowly fans out and scopes the area. Doc walks over and looks at a sign strapped to a fallen fence.
"Trespassers will be shot." Doc shrugs his shoulder, knowing that's probably not going to happen.
"Isn't what's left of the US government in Newmerica by now?" Murphy asks
"Mount Weather's a continuity of government site. So this'll be the last place they evacuate." Warren states
"We were still getting orders out of here. Back when we were still getting orders." Sarge says
"Continuity of government. Don't you love it? During a nuclear war, the entire US government gets relocated to a secure underground facility. The rest of us, get blown to smithereens." Doc barks harmlessly to Sarge.
"Great idea for a nuclear holocaust. For a zombie apocalypse, not so much." Murphy says as he pulls some sunglasses over his eyes.
"We're close. Keep your eyes open." Ace says, getting tired of the chatter.
She twist her ax in her hands and marches closer to the black cars in front of the building. Everyone follows behind her.
"There it is." Warren points out. "We can get to the door this way."
"Looks like we got vehicles up ahead." 10k informs.
"This Must be the motorcade Citizen Z saw from the satellite."
"Looks like the President couldn't make it inside." Doc sighs
"Big ass doors don't do much good if you're on the wrong side of them."
"I wouldn't be too sure." Ace says, "I was assigned to the president once. It was a tough mission. People were surrounding us and we had to escort him to building. Almost all the soldiers died to insure that his got inside safely. If I'm right, he should be in there."
Ace walks over and finds a body inside the car. She drags them out and takes the card that allows them inside.
She takes it as well as the zombie's eye.
"Eyes open for any runners. This might make some noise." Ace warns.
10k stays close to her. His back to hers as he scopes the area with his shotgun.
"This right here, is the president's husband's tag and eye. And this is our ticket inside."
"Well aren't you a little miss genius." Doc says
"Not really." Murphy rolls his eyes
Ace rolls her eyes in return and holds the eye up to the retina scanner all while she scans the card. The door beeps and hisses.
She throws the eye on the ground in discuss and smears her hand against the wall to get the blood off.
"Nasty." Ace whines
"In coming." 10k says.
A zombie runs at Ace and shoves her against the wall, pinning her and threatening to take a chunk from her neck.

Play Your Cards
FanfictionAce, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...