The group walks down a hot road that is surrounded by dead, dry grass. Ace has her jacket wrapped around her waist and her ax dragging on the ground. Everyone walks around sluggishly as they try to bare the heat.
"Ugh, Why does the apocalypse always have to be so hot?" Murphy complains
"Yeah, I think they were right about global warming," Doc says as he runs his hand over his sweaty scalp
"Warren, you have any visions of cool mountain streams?" Murphy asks as he mopes around. "'Cause we need water."
Warren takes off her canteen and hands it to Murphy. "Have mine." She says
They inch their way towards a large cargo truck that is in the middle of the road.
"What do you think?" Ace asks
"I think we should check it out," Warren says
"What's that truck doing there?" Lucy asks
"Waiting for us to steal it," Murphy says as he downs the water Warren gave him.
"Zona?" Doc questions as he looks to Warren
"Could be," Warren says skeptically. "Let's move in easy. Ace and I will check it out. And Murphy you stay with Lucy." Warren orders
"What's with the gear?" Sarge asks as she points to a bunch of gear that lays in front of the truck.
"I dunno." Ace says as she jogs up to check it out.
"Woah, careful. Take it slow." Warren warns. "Why don't we see if we can find somebody to ask," Warren suggests
They all walk closer to where Ace ran. 10k holds 5k back to make sure he doesn't get hurt.
"Be careful," 10k warns as she picks through the gear on the ground
"Ace, cover me," Warren says as she takes out her gun
Ace pulls out her legendary golden pistols. It's the first time in about 2 years she would use them.
Ace stands up and follows Warren towards the driver side of the cargo truck. Warren opens the drivers' door and Ace checks inside with her guns ready.
"Nothing." Ace says
Warren turns to the rest of the group. "Cab's Clear. Nobody's home." She says
"Finders keepers. I am tired of walking." Murphy says as he moseys his way over to the door
"Now hold on," Doc says. "Don't you think it's a little odd that they'd leave this awesome truck right here in the middle of nowhere."
"You know what else is odd?" Murphy asks. "Everything that's happened to us over the last eight year."
"Smells likes trap." Sarge points out
"That's just Murphy," 10k says
Ace gently elbows him as she sniffles a laugh.
"No. She's right." Warren says. "This isn't important. We should keep moving."
" least let's check this gear for water," Doc says as he makes his way over. "Who do you suppose left all this?"

Play Your Cards
FanfictionAce, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...