"We have to travel light." Ace says to herself as she looks at the motorcycle.
'Oh so now you want to leave?' Lucy sasses
"Yeah obviously, someone is clearly stalking us and I'm not staying."
'I guess you're right.'
She moves around the room, gathering her tools and prices of scrap metal, bolts, nuts, and nails. It's all tucked into a backpack. Then she moves into her guns, carrying as much as she can in a duffel bag.
Quickly she tosses both of them into the side cart and puts her cowgirl hat into the bag for now.
"NewMerica, here I come."
Ace revs the engine and it roars to life. She smirks, speeding down the concrete road. For some reason, she looks back on herself and how the apocalypse has changed her.
She never thought she would end up killing someone due to jealousy, hence Red. She never thought she would kill a bunch of clowns, or come close to marrying one. Never thought she'd run something like a cult, AKA the Cards, or anything like that.
Looking back to before and to now, she's lost her humanity. She's lost herself through all of this. And it's time to take a step back and bring the true her back.
One thing she forgot to do was fill up her gas tank.
Ace pulls over to an old gas station to fill up. Her eyes scan the scene in front of her as she pulls on her cowgirl hat.
Bloody bodies scatter the dusted concrete ground with dark pools of blood spreading around their heads. The blood had dried as the days had passed. The asphalt is covered in dead weeds and dirt that rested in between the cracks.
Ace keeps her golden pistol in her thigh holder with her finger tapping it, ready to take it out at any second.
She strides into the store and immediately sees three men, all of them with guns pointed at her.
"Hello, boys." Ace says with a wink
The boys smirk to each other and put their guns away. One man, missing a tooth speaks up first. His lisp sticks out dramatically.
"Hey there, young lady. What's a pretty girl like you doing out in the countryside?" He asks, walking over and taking a long drag from the cigarette that dangles in the gap between his teeth.
"Just getting some gas." She smiles, heading to the back, swinging her hips as they stare at her
Another man smooths the hair on his head -that doesn't exist- back. He licks his lips and follows her into the back.
Ace smirks to herself as the door shuts behind her and the man follows right away.
Ace looks over her shoulder at him. His eyes travel over her curvy figure. Ace turns around as the door shuts behind them.
She motions him over with a finger and he reluctantly follows, falling into a trance at her beauty. She smirks and leans on the hood of their car.
"Help me with the gas?" She asks
He pulls the hat off of her head and leans over her small figure.
Ace isn't surprised this happened.
She lets him attack her neck and suck on it like a leech. Ace tried to shove him off but he only chuckles and comes right back after.
She does it again and again and he only grabs her harder.
"Let go before I hurt you." She says seriously
"Quit playing hard to get." He smirks
She rolls her eyes and quietly slips out her knife.

Play Your Cards
FanfictionAce, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...