Warren flies down the road at high speeds. Ace grips into the seat for dear life. They hit a bump and Murphy groans in pain.
"Hey, can we slow it down a little?" Doc asks with a concerned tone
Warren doesn't listen as she is still in her dream like trance. Murphy continues to moan as he lays there in excruciating pain.
"He's still with us." Doc says pointing out the fact that Murphy is still alive and hasn't turned
"Where are we anyway?" Murphy asks as he slowly turns his head to doc
They pass a sign that says 'leaving eerie Indiana' with red spray paint all over it. On top of the sign sits a black crow.
"Looks like we just blew through what's left of Eerie, Indiana." Sarge says
"I spent some time there pre-apocalypse. Good people. Kinda weird, but man they like to party." Doc says trying to lighten the mood.
Warren grips the steering wheel with both hands and the truck's speed starts to increase again. Ace clicks her seatbelt across her chest.
"Warren?" Ace asks as she looks to Warren who doesn't even seem to hear her
"Watch out for that-" ace starts
Warren rams into a zombie that sits in the middle of the road without hesitation. Murphy groans in pain again as the car jerks.
"...zombie." Ace finishes
They continue to fly down the smoothly paved road as everyone watches her drive with caution in their eyes. Doc speaks up,
"Warren, I know it's the apocalypse and all, but could you maybe slow it down a little?" Doc asks
Suddenly warren jerks the wheel as they turn down a dirt path. Everyone leans with the car as the tires screech. Warren continues to fly strait down the path. Ace's head slams against the window as everyone flies back to their upright position.
"What the hell warren?" Ace asks as she clutches her head
"Where are we going?" Lucy asks as she holds onto Murphy
Murphy gasps for air and starts to thrash about. "He's going into cardiac arrest!" Doc yells
Warren starts to fly towards a building as high speeds with no sign of stoping.
"He don't look so good." 10k adds
"Thanks for the diagnosis." Doc says to 10k sarcastically.
5k grips onto Ace for dear life as they speed towards the building and grow closer and closer.
"Warren! For the love of Pete and Pete, pull over!" Doc yells
They pass the open gate that leads to the concrete building. 5k burrows his head in Ace's shoulder as he cowers in fear.
"Everyone cover your ears." Ace says
She sucks in a deep breath.
"WARREN STOP THE CAR! NOW!" Ace screams on top of her lungs
Warren snaps out of the trance and slams her foot on the breaks.
Ace plants her foot on the dashboard and pushes herself against the back of the seat as they screech to a stop. She holds 5k to her chest.
Ace sighs as they come to a complete stop. Without a word she climbs out of the car with 5k.
She pulls open the back seat and helps Murphy out.

Play Your Cards
Fiksi PenggemarAce, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...